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  1. #1
    andrewfitnesss is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Sust 270 (Geneza Meds)

    as anyone ever used sust 270? i pin monday/thurs and today was my second pin. when does sust start to kick in? btw i been taking superdrol for 2 weeks now too

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Defiling Myself
    You are 18. Please stop now. No good will come from this.

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You are 18. Please stop now. No good will come from this.
    Two words: train wreck.

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