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Thread: Any advice would be much appreciated.

  1. #1
    thomaskearney22 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    I'm looking for some advice here.

    I'm 31 years old and weigh only 55 kilos, I know straight away most people are going to say Eat Eat EAT to bulk up.

    I have a medical condition which affects me putting on weight , but I eat a clean diet of 3500 calories a day with a good source of protein too. Before any one says eat 5000 calories a day , I have tried this and my weight doesn't change still but just spend alot more money and don't reap the rewards I'm looking for.

    I have got 5000 mg of test eth now which I'm going to pin twice a week at 250mg on Monday and Thursday, I have my PCT in place too .

    I just wondered if anyone else has had problems with there weight being very low and any tips to bulk.
    As you can imagine I don't have a ounce of fat on me and am pretty fit, i dont do cardio as I have a Huge metabolism so I now want to push some weights with the help of some juice.

    Any advice would be much appreciated guys as I'mvery self conscious of my weight and want to beef up to 70 kg ish

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    If your weight doesn't change then eat more. Whether you want to hear that or not it's true. Any gains you make from AAS will be water weight and you will lose anything you gain when you stop.

    Are you saying you don't even lift?

    Can you post up your 5000calorie a day daily diet and let's have a look?
    Deequarius likes this.

  3. #3
    Deequarius's Avatar
    Deequarius is offline Associate Member
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    Man.. I really hope that I am reading this wrong and that you do already lift. If you don't lift already and you try and do it on gear say good bye to your ligaments. You're going to rip them right off of the bone... I can't stress this enough if you aren't gaining weight at 5k calories then you said it right eat more. During swim season I was honest to god eating 11,000 calories a day. It wasn't all clean of course but it didn't really matter in my case. I just needed calories. I was eating a whole box of poptarts every day. If you aren't gaining weight eating clean. Add some dirtier ingredients into your diet just to get calories. Get your protein you need and just go HAM on anything you can get your hands on. You'll see results.. My 0.02.

  4. #4
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Please name your specific disorder that is causing such a huge calorie deficit. Short of a tapeworm, I don't know of anything that would cause you to shed that many calories. Please also list your diet. Many times, "I eat a lot" means different things to different people.

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