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  1. #1
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    No sides from test e?

    So, I'm on week 4 of my first cycle. Test e 250 every 4 days. It really started to kick today. I'm mean really kick. Felt better than ever this morning. Had a massive lift day.

    My question: Is it possible to not have any side effects from this cycle? I'm not using AI. I'm not extra horny, no acne, A lil bit water retention, but no more than usual if I lift really heavy. I'm not getting anything from this stuff except great gains. No PIP either. No test flu. Thought the stuff was bunk until last week.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about this, but was wondering if anyone has ever ran a cycle with great gains and no other sides?

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Please start an ai and hcg .

  3. #3
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    And before the lashing starts. Yes pct. nolvadex and clomid on hand. Got some winny on hand, but prolly won't use it. 6', 185lbs, 15% bf. my girl handles my diet. She's a nazi. Christ, I have to sneak bread in. 1.5 grams of protein per lb. she's adjusting my carb and fat intake according to some formula she uses. Changes my calorie intake to suit the needs of the day. Also tons of fiber. Which has made the protein intake bearable.

  4. #4
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    Should I expect sides soon? My jewels are hanging like normal. I have Adex, but not currently using it.

  5. #5
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    I have on hand. Been waiting for some side effects. Is that not wise? I've heard various opinions.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You can't see all side effects. No it's not wise. As Cape says, start your AI and HCG immediately.

  7. #7
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    Yes people run cycles without "feeling" sides. Doesnt mean there not there though. I would definately consider capes advice about hcg an an ai. Just out of curiosity how old are you? Imo you started alittle early at 6'0 185lbs16%bf
    Last edited by michael30; 08-07-2014 at 01:41 PM.

  8. #8
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the quick response. I'll get it going. I promised myself no newb stuff, but couldn't help it. Sorry forum.

  9. #9
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    I'm 37. But yes, definitely early. Not sure what happened, hit a wall about a year ago. When I was younger it was no problem. But, spent 10 years running and swimming. A few years ago got back to weights. But, I have 12 weeks of no work, so I can live in the gym and a show with my girl in September. The timing was too good for me.

  10. #10
    Joe average is offline New Member
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    Btw, not A BB show.

  11. #11
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    What is this show you speak of? Lol take an AI man.

  12. #12
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    When I just run test under 600mg/week the sides are non-existent. I might get a gyno flair up every few weeks but normally it just feels like normal every day life. Some guys flair up bad and some guys don't. Everyone is different. Until you have run a few cycles and different compounds you won't know what type of sides, severity and frequency you get.

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    When I just run test under 600mg/week the sides are non-existent. I might get a gyno flair up every few weeks but normally it just feels like normal every day life. Some guys flair up bad and some guys don't. Everyone is different. Until you have run a few cycles and different compounds you won't know what type of sides, severity and frequency you get.
    Gyno is the least of concerns when serum estrogen rises. Presence or absence of gyno should never be the only reason to use or not use an AI.

  14. #14
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Gyno is the least of concerns when serum estrogen rises. Presence or absence of gyno should never be the only reason to use or not use an AI.
    This is true. I should say, I have had blood work done on many cycles and my estrogen was in the reference range without the use of an AI while on Test only. Everyone responds differently and an individual, like the OP, won't know until he experiences multiple cycles and compounds.

  15. #15
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post

    This is true. I should say, I have had blood work done on many cycles and my estrogen was in the reference range without the use of an AI while on Test only. Everyone responds differently and an individual, like the OP, won't know until he experiences multiple cycles and compounds.
    That is true, but unless he has blood work done during his cycle, by default he would be wiser to use an AI from the begining of the cycle.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 08-10-2014 at 05:49 PM.

  16. #16
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    That is true, but unless he has blood work done during his cycle, by default he would be wiser to use an AI from the begining of the cycle.
    This is true, I agree.

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