Ok so another question relating body fat to steroid use . I have read numerous articles and posts on this forum regarding the matter and found it to be very contradictive.
First of all I started training 2 years ago. I started at 130kg I'm down to 100kg. I'd still say 20-23 %bf though. Most of the fat is on my stomach and upper legs. I don't do a whole lot of cardio. My diet and lifting has help me shed kilos so far. But I've come to a stand still the last few months.
I want to know who has done a cycle of test at this stage. I have Clen and t3 already and was going to use along with the test to preserve muscle while I cut hard.
My other question is if I run arimidex while on cycle will that prevent all estrogen sides or does it also depend on your body fat. Eg more adex needed for higher body fat. Any help is greatly appreciated