I got a friend who I'm trying to get him to make an account but just won't take time too. He finished a cycle about 1 1/2 months ago, of test and tren . He has no idea what he's doing. He finished up and took 1000iu/day of hcg for 10 days as a PCT. No nolva or clomid. I told him he needed blood work ASAP. It came back today free test 1.5 and total test 63, yes those number are right. I told him he did everything wrong. Should he get some clomid and run that normal protocol as PCT or just get on a TRT dose of test? He's mid 40's 8-10%bf 5'9" 170lbs. He's doing a crossfit comp in February. His normal test levels were low and I think he plans to get on trt soon.