So today, I start my PCT. I followed Austinites guide to a T although I did 10 weeks Test E and finished off with 2 weeks of Test P, last pin on Monday. For those that don't know, I started taking AAS because my chest NEVER grew, it never even shaped up and my max bench was 85kg. Genetics are a bitch huh? That all changed. Chest now looks fuller, shaped up and bench sky rocketed to 110kg for 4 reps on last set. I gained maybe around 5 lbs lean mass and dropped about 5% bf, going from 20% to 15%. Cardio virtually 4 days a week, 15 mins, Veins coming out of places I didnt even know they could come out of. Altogether, I think a semi successful cycle considering it is my first. But I will leave the analysis to you guys. I ate pretty clean, my libido went through the roof but one thing I did not feel is the 'hunger' everyone seems to always talk about. That was more or less the same, although I eat every 2-3 hours anyway as I am an ectomorph. Anyway here are my stats for people that don't know:

Age: 25
Weight: 195lbs, dropping from 200lbs (leaner look, vascularity increase, shaped up more, chest popped out, stomach got flatter, this was always the plan)
Height: 6'3"

I ate approx 200g protein, 230g carbs and 60g fats everyday, fats coming mostly from fish and nuts. 50g protein came from protein shakes, dropped the mass gainer as advised and ate a boat load of greens. 2 cheat days, Sat and Sun, where I ate everything. Kebabs, KFC, ice cream etc etc.

So I have decided to do a second cycle consisting of sust 250 and d-bol or t-bol. Is this too big a jump? Or should I try Test 400 next? Plan to drop to maybe drop a further 3-5% bf before starting AAS again.