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  1. #1
    bechshep23 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Testosterone Propionate 12ml Cycle Questions

    I just bought a bottle of test p of 12 ml and I want some advice from new people.
    I want to know WHAT SIZE NEEDLES? and everything?
    I also would like to know a GOOD DOSAGE PER WEEK AND HOW LONG? if I am a basketball player looking to be strong and cut.
    Please respond I would like some further info before I start! THANKS!

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    I gather from your post that you done 0-minimal research on cycling before acquiring your test. 1 vial of test p is not enough. I've never even heard of 12ml vials. And most people will not just lay out a cycle for you.

    Whats your stats? Height/Weight/age/training history?

    Use the search function and make a cycle and ask us to review.

  3. #3
    bechshep23 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013
    I have read the profile on test p for this website and that's mainly it.
    I am 6'4 205 and I have worked out for around 4-5 years and I am currently almost 20

  4. #4
    bechshep23 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013
    I am new to injections so that's why my post is so vague and I just want a quick strength increase before basketball season starts which is in the next month or so

  5. #5
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    1. Your to young. Your risking your long term health for a quick gain. I hope you put the vial to the side for the next few years and train and gain naturally. People on here will recommend not cycling till 25 and for a reason. Jacking up ur HPTA early can make it hard to recover.

    2. 1 vial of test p isn't enough for a cycle. If its 100mg/ml which I assume you'd shoot eod it would last you 3 weeks. Just enough time to see some gains and shut your system down.

    3. Any quick gain will be lost and then some probably.

  6. #6
    bechshep23 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013
    okay thanks I appreciate the help

  7. #7
    th4k1ng is offline New Member
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    Jul 2014
    Mate, you are looking for a quick way to your own demise. Research, wait, diet, train and resarch more. You are waaaaaaaaaaay to young to even begin cycling. Luca is right, I've never heard of a 12ml vial of anything. To my current knowledge, everything comes in a 10ml vial. But if you are looking for ANY advice, please guide yourself to the top of the forum and read Austinites 'Planning and Executing A First Cycle' sticky. Read it till you know it by heart. There is a boat load of knowledge in what is probably a 15 minute read.

  8. #8
    GGot FFina? is offline Associate Member
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    At 19 everybody here is going to tell you the same thing, including myself. You are way to young. You can grow just as well at your age without touching steroids yet. I would spend my time on this site on the diet section and i guarantee you if you think your diet is good already, dial it in further by reading and you will see the results you are after.

    I have never seen a vial of 12ml. Test prop is fast acting and 12ml is not enough for anything.

    If your still going to do this, which is a big mistake IMO, then start reading because you obviously dont know too much on what your thinking about doing and its going to back fire on you. Either now, or down the road when your older and your natural test levels are shot.

    Good luck.

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