Hello, i have recently started my first cycle, and wanted to get some advice, i plan on taking sustanon 250 (organon) for 10 weeks injecting every monday and thursday for a total of 500 mg weekly, 0.5mg arimidex eod until start of pct (3 weeks after last injection), 250ui hcg shot twice per week starting week 2. My pct is nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50. My diet is 40% protein, 40% fats, 20% carbs (250g protein per day). My current stats are 92 kg, 14% bf, 5ft10.

Recently i found out that it is better to inject sust m w f and i wanted t know if i can go up to 750 mg per week safely.
thanks in advance.