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  1. #1
    Rocky0019 is offline Junior Member
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    Dianabol only cycle for transformation?

    Hello friends,
    my problem is that this time of the year I will finish studies and I am completely free for almost 6 months or 24 weeks which I can train as I want.

    I am currently fat (Nearly 18% bodyfat)
    I want to use my 6 months period for transforming my body to 10-11% body fat with good muscles.
    I have used steroids before and I know the dangers associated with them.

    I train 6 days a week and I can take any diet as required.
    but all I want is to lose nearly all the extra fat and pack on muscles in my 6 months free time

    I am thinking about running dianabol only cycle (2 weeks on at 40mg per day and 2 weeks off) for full 6 months.
    I am thinking of dbol only because its short acting and i think it will affect my HTPA a lot lesser than the long acting steroids.

    I want to know guys will this type of steroid cycle help me transforming my body if I keep my calories close to 1800-2200 per day coupled with 6 days a week workouts?
    I have dianabol, Nolvadex and arimidex in hand


  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorry man but that's not a good plan.
    You going to bloat up-shut down natural testosterone your going to gain water weight your d-ck probably won't work and your luck if you keep 1 pound or even lose muscle after pct.

    what cycles have you ran in the past and have you read the stickies?

  3. #3
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky0019 View Post
    Hello friends,
    my problem is that this time of the year I will finish studies and I am completely free for almost 6 months or 24 weeks which I can train as I want.

    I am currently fat (Nearly 18% bodyfat)
    I want to use my 6 months period for transforming my body to 10-11% body fat with good muscles.
    I have used steroids before and I know the dangers associated with them.

    I train 6 days a week and I can take any diet as required.
    but all I want is to lose nearly all the extra fat and pack on muscles in my 6 months free time

    I am thinking about running dianabol only cycle (2 weeks on at 40mg per day and 2 weeks off) for full 6 months.
    I am thinking of dbol only because its short acting and i think it will affect my HTPA a lot lesser than the long acting steroids.

    I want to know guys will this type of steroid cycle help me transforming my body if I keep my calories close to 1800-2200 per day coupled with 6 days a week workouts?
    I have dianabol, Nolvadex and arimidex in hand


    You said

    I train 6 days a week and I can take any diet as required.
    but all I want is to lose nearly all the extra fat and pack on muscles in my 6 months free time......

    You also state you have18% bf then diet is what you need not steroids!!

    Packing on muscle comes with diet and training consistently!!
    Last edited by itsjayman02; 12-04-2014 at 08:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You used steroid before , yet would think to do an oral only cycle with no test base for your body to function properly? and go 2 on 2 off causing a rollarcoaster of sides, from shut down to .. ughh . . just dont do it and rethink this all.

    train 2-4 times a week ( i rec eod) and make test the man part of cycle and do it right.

  5. #5
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop
    You used steroid before , yet would think to do an oral only cycle with no test base for your body to function properly? and go 2 on 2 off causing a rollarcoaster of sides, from shut down to .. ughh . . just dont do it and rethink this all. train 2-4 times a week ( i rec eod) and make test the man part of cycle and do it right.
    ^^^^^^^agreed. All oral cycles are not wise and your results will be disappointing and the sides will be ridiculous . Yes, they do sound convenient BUT....... That is not how to use them effectively. In a well planned cycle a user can start his cycle or end his cycle with them. Tes only is the way to go....

  6. #6
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you truly can stick to any diet.

    get on a good cut. cut to 10% wouldnt take more than 3 months.
    (everyone without exception can get to 5%bf if they stick to a deficit long enough(which is ****ing hard for some XD))

    once you are 10% do a simple test prop cycle for 2 months to clean bulk and use the last month to pct and keep training hard keeping the gain you've made.

    your initial idea is not only very bad it is also extremely useless...

  7. #7
    Rocky0019 is offline Junior Member
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    Can You give me some recommendation bro?
    I mean the cut ur talking about which can get me to 10% in 3 months..
    I swear i can stick to hell if it really can happen

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    I am curious as to what cycles you have run in the past? What is your cycling experience?

  9. #9
    Rocky0019 is offline Junior Member
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    Not much bro...
    Just 2 cycles of 8 weeks
    Test e and dianabol

  10. #10
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky0019 View Post
    Can You give me some recommendation bro?
    I mean the cut ur talking about which can get me to 10% in 3 months..
    I swear i can stick to hell if it really can happen
    there is no secret.
    carb cycling or IF or warrior diet or keto it do not matter...

    all of the above are as good as the other as long as you can stick to your diet and be in a deficit.

    The best diet is the one allowing yourself to follow it.
    no matter the type.

    train and eat at 2000 cals daily.
    you dont need more than 1-1.5g of protein/KILOGRAM of bodyweight.
    other will say per pound but this is for those extemelly lean.
    over 10% bf 100g prots daily even for bulking is enough.

    however if eating more protwin help you sticking to your diet. Go ahead and eat more.

    I like high carbs low fat moderate prots to bulk or cut.

    cause the best way to prevent muscle loss is to train hard and without carbs my psrformance drops...

    however with carbs youll have more water retention so more fluctuation in your weight.
    but even if you stall in weight loss it do not mean that you stall in fat loss.

    as long as you are in a deficit youll lose fat. as simple as that

    losing 1-1.5lbs of fat a weeks equals
    13-19.5lbs of fat in 3 months.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 12-04-2014 at 10:13 AM.

  11. #11
    Rocky0019 is offline Junior Member
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    Thankyou a lot bro... Ur advice will help me a lot

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Don't do the dbol only you won't like the results. The risk:benefit ratio is not good. Test + Dbol = much better cycle & results.

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