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Thread: estrogen sighns

  1. #1
    mikegilbert1986's Avatar
    mikegilbert1986 is offline Associate Member
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    estrogen sighns

    what some of the first things you notice if your estrogen is getting high other then bloat. everybody always just to getting bloods. im trying to find a dose to where i feel good then i will look into bloods. haveing a tuff time getting e2 in check whil running the dbol . im getting sides like waves of dizziness out of now where. ive ben feeling very anxious at time. ive ben getting big hot and like hotsmd flushed in the face after eating. for me i beleive estrogen has became high after a few weeks ago i had it low. i feel it takes some time to balance out after changing doses. i was at 6.25 ed now im trying 12.5 of aromasin .

  2. #2
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    No substitute for labs. Period.

    You are just guessing it is estrogen when everything (cept gyno) comes from wither estrogen or hemocrit (RBC)...and you cannot tell the difference without a lab. Waves of dizziness could come from either of the above.

    Mapping out your sides is very important. Do you know what level your test brings on HCT sides at a high rate? Example is at 700ml a week Phenyl Prop I had minimal HCT issues. At 1gram it was a major issue. With no NNP (DECA ) it was way easier to control sides than with it.

    On my first cycle for the first 10 weeks I had dizzy spells and in the end it was due to needing a beta blocker and ace inhibitor (Blood Pressure) and did not matter if it came from estrogen or HCT. Havent looked back since then.

    Now you added a new substance Dbol (I assume) and it is like you are back to your to your first cycle. You have to learn your sides at the level you take and adjust to what fits your body. This requires labs to know...guessing is as accurate as a blind man playing pin the tail on the donkey.

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    It's also why you should run test only for your first cycle. Once you learn how to control the sides from one compound it makes it easier to know what the issue is when you add a compound.

    Your AI dose ios all over the place seen as you were on 25mg only a few weeks ago.

    Can you lay out your full cycle for us?

    If you're having that much trouble then the simple answer is to drop the d'bol, surely?

  4. #4
    mikegilbert1986's Avatar
    mikegilbert1986 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    It's also why you should run test only for your first cycle. Once you learn how to control the sides from one compound it makes it easier to know what the issue is when you add a compound. Your AI dose ios all over the place seen as you were on 25mg only a few weeks ago. Can you lay out your full cycle for us? If you're having that much trouble then the simple answer is to drop the d'bol, surely?
    I was doseing high because on the lumps but now there not bothering me so much. so im just trying to get e2 in check to feel good and catch boners daily. im running test e at 600mg got three bottles Probly gonna run 15 weeks, 12 weeks was planned. I have a 100 20mg dbol tabs , I threw those in on week 4, as of now im in week 7. probly gonna run the dbol another 3 weeks. I want to get something out of it strenth is moveing foward. feeling good this morning herd a few clicks in the joints as I got out of bed.. and that is at 12.5mg of aromasin .

  5. #5
    mikegilbert1986's Avatar
    mikegilbert1986 is offline Associate Member
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    going to Add hcg in last 5 weeks of cycle at500 twice a week leading up to pct.. maybe sooner if balls are gone. for the most part they hang low. after lifting my balls are small, is that how it is for every body else balls get all tight and small after lifting espeashally after heavy squats or deads you can litterly feel them shrinking this even happins when I'm lifting natty. how about you guys???

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    There's more to HCG than keeping your balls plump but hey, if you want to keep ignoring that it's up to you.

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