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  1. #1
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    long cycle lengths

    In all of the research that I have done Ive seen cycle lengths from 8 to 20 to even 25 weeks. My question is are these guys doing these super long cycles usually more experienced? Meaning they have been doing it so long that they know their bodies well therefore are able to recover fully. Or have some of these guys just accepted the fact that they my never fully recover, but are willing to make that sacrifice for the gains. Meaning like if they're are pros in the sport. I know what gear and how much also comes into play. And I know there's the ones that do long cycles because they don't know any better. Just another step towards fully understanding all of this. Any thoughts or experience? Thanks to

  2. #2
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    I would say they are vets....amuned to the majic test...nah I am pretty sure you could look at the test e on the profiles it talks about the positive affects of 20 week test only cycles.

  3. #3
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Per the endocronology journal there has been only one cycle study done on testosterone cycling. It was 600 a week on a strict protien diet no weight lifting over 20-weeks. These were brand new TrT patients (no substance use before) and on average everyone gained 12Kg.

    What there is to take from this is the meaning of "experienced vet". In this study you had two doctors hand holding the candidates with AI, Phelebotomies, BP medication, etc. THAT is what makes you a Vet in my opinion. Knowing how to handle your sides and keeping your body from killing itself while you grow.

    I just started my second cycle. First cycle was 20-weeks and this one will be 20-weeks. My gains on first cycle were beyond my wildest dreams but make no mistake...I trained till my bones were grinding and walked around in pain from the CNS stress 24/7.

    Going 20-weeks half assing it will make you more depressed than doing 8-weeks half-assing it.


    Effort on Nutrition
    Effort on Calories
    Effort on Workout
    Effort on Controlling Sides

    Those four are far more important than how long you run the cycle, what orals you run on cycle, or your strength gains.

    My 2 cents

  4. #4
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Per the endocronology journal there has been only one cycle study done on testosterone cycling. It was 600 a week on a strict protien diet no weight lifting over 20-weeks. These were brand new TrT patients (no substance use before) and on average everyone gained 12Kg.

    What there is to take from this is the meaning of "experienced vet". In this study you had two doctors hand holding the candidates with AI, Phelebotomies, BP medication, etc. THAT is what makes you a Vet in my opinion. Knowing how to handle your sides and keeping your body from killing itself while you grow.

    I just started my second cycle. First cycle was 20-weeks and this one will be 20-weeks. My gains on first cycle were beyond my wildest dreams but make no mistake...I trained till my bones were grinding and walked around in pain from the CNS stress 24/7.

    Going 20-weeks half assing it will make you more depressed than doing 8-weeks half-assing it.


    Effort on Nutrition
    Effort on Calories
    Effort on Workout
    Effort on Controlling Sides

    Those four are far more important than how long you run the cycle, what orals you run on cycle, or your strength gains.

    My 2 cents
    Thanks. This was very helpful

  5. #5
    PEWN's Avatar
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    you have to experiment and find out what works for you. Short blast cycles can be rewarding for plateau breaks but long steady cycles can leave you with more keep-able gains. Depends on the compounds running. If its just aas and no gh then short blasts with short ester compounds and get you nice gains with in 8 to 10 weeks but if using long esters I would recommend 14 weeks minimum if you have ran previous cycles and have diet on point. But then again this depends on your goals for the cycle. Me personally back in the day if I ran a blast 8 week cycle I was more prone to stretch marks but less sides.

    Its all in what you want out of a cycle...

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Longer doesn't mean better. There is nothing wrong with extending a cycle a week or two over plan IF you are still making gains .....other then that its a wise move to get off and start the recovery process. Another school of thought is that guys think they will solidify more of there gains. There are many factors involved in how much we keep post cycle and one of the most important ones is genetics. Aas use will make you a better version of you (need to be realistic ), not someone else.

  7. #7
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Buster brown is right.... this all comes back to whats best for the individual not what every one tells you is right. Trial and error yields better long term results.

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