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  1. #1
    vschweinhart is offline New Member
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    Dec 2014

    Researching Cycle

    Hello all, brand new member to these forums, but not new to reading them! I have been researching what to do for my first cycle for weeks now, spending hours a day making sure I understand the effects of everything. I am currently 19 yrs old, 5'11, and ~175 lbs. I am fully aware that 19 is not the optimal age to begin juicing, but I play collegiate football and I am looking for something to help with the level of competition. Here is the catch: in about a year I need to weigh EXACTLY 172 pounds to be eligible to play (long story). My current body fat percentage is also not optimal: probably around 18-20%. Additionally, I used to have slight man boobs during puberty. Not anywhere close to gyno, but it concerns me that I might be predisposed so I want to get fat down to the lowest level possible before starting. I am not looking to begin the cycle yet as I am not ready.

    Due to a price matter though, I need to buy my gear in the next few days. My goal is to continue intense training (diet is pretty on point) and get my bf% down in the next two months before beginning my first cycle. I have been researching different substances to create my cycle and would like some input on what to do. I am a little needle shy so I would prefer to run an oral only cycle although I know it is no where near as safe and effective as injectables. If I need to stop being a bitch and just commit to injections (I'm sure everyone will tell me this) you're probably right and I might make that decision before I begin the cycle, but I'm looking for advice on orals.

    The substances I have been heavily researching are mostly Dianabol , Turinabol , and Test E in the case that I make the jump to injectables. Planning on running Arimidex during cycle, with Nolva and Clomid on hand, hopefully not using either until PCT. I know a Test E cycle would be best, but in the circumstance that I just can't do it, I am trying to decide what oral to run. Since I have plenty of time to get my weight back to 172, water retention due to D-bol doesn't sound terrible, but from what I've read, would T-bol be better for me in this case? My goal is to be the absolute strongest and leanest I can possibly be and still weigh 172 pound. From all my research, it would appear that T-bol will give me cleaner gains and should make my job easier when it comes to cutting back down in the future. Also, if I were to run Test E, is hCG an absolute must? I'd like to minimize the number of injections.

    I have read that it is possible to actually gain weight and muscle while on a cutting cycle. Should I instead begin with a cutting cycle so I can get fat to a minimum and worry about bulking to whatever weight from there? I doubt this is correct, but I thought it is worth asking.

    Due to reasons I do not want to get into, I am positive I will not be drug tested any time including all of next season so no need to warn me I could get caught.

    I am a molecular biology major at an ivy league university (the only place you can be 175 and play football!!!) so feel free to explain things using scientific terms, it would probably help me understand better.

  2. #2
    cttoasn's Avatar
    cttoasn is offline Associate Member
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    I haven't been here super long, but from my experience....

    You are not going to hear what you want too from the experienced vets.

    This site and the experienced members promote responsible use and in keeping with being responsible...nobody is likely to help assist in such an irresponsible course of action.

    Maybe the age could be overlooked in order to advise a proper test only cycle. But you have little to no chance getting help with an oral only, 1st time cycle at your age.

    Sorry... Just wanted to give you a heads up before you start hearing a ton of things that you don't want too.

  3. #3
    vschweinhart is offline New Member
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    So to be clear, are you saying the age is the biggest inhibitor to me starting a cycle? I realize you are still growing when you reach max height (I am as tall as my father) but if stunting growth isn't the primary concern, what is? From my extensive research, all I have been able to learn is that it can prevent you reaching your full growth potential. Could someone tell me what else I need to be concerned about?

    And it sounds like you have confirmed what I expected to hear, avoid oral only cycles. In the end I probably will end up using the Test E as I just cannot overlook its risk-benefit potential when compared to orals.

    Thanks for the input

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    At 19 you say that your diet is on point .....but your bf is about 20%....that's not really on point. You want to do an oral cycle which will only leave you dissatisfied. Btw, you can't cut and put on muscle, where are the calories to build. You sound like a nice kid but all I will offer you is to revisit the diet section and really dig into it. You would be surprised at what can happen when you really get your diet on point.

  5. #5
    vschweinhart is offline New Member
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    Dec 2014
    I guess I didn't really put it in the correct terms. I actually do not know my bf%, that was just a guess. I do agree that my diet could be more tight though and that is why I stated in the original post that I was planning on spending the next two months getting all of that in order so that I will be in the proper condition to start a cycle. I am simply looking on information as to what to purchase now, for use later. Due to a couple reasons, I need to purchase them now so I fully understand I am not ready for a cycle, but I want advice on what to do in the future when I am ready.

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