I've got a few cycles under my belt including tren cycles, this will be my first time on masteron though. I decided to buy what was on special which was a premixed stack of tren, test p, and mast. I've never tried a mixed stack as I've always bought everything separate but this was on sale so I indulged.

It's 150 per ml (50,50,50 of each) I've run my test p at 100 in the past and tren at 75 eod in the past with good results but since I'm introducing a new compound this time around I'm a bit confused as what would be best. Also does anyone really think an oral is needed? I don't think var will do a damn thing since I'm taking tren already maybe just some winny at the end which I've never had problems with. I'm not on a contest prep or anything I'm just getting my cycle ready for spring break.