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  1. #1
    sean lester is offline New Member
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    test400 trem eth 250 is it to much

    I am a 47 year old guy who has trained using steroids without very much success, i have just been given cyber labs test 400 and term ethanate 250 and been told to take 1ml of each twice a week,the only thing is its more than I've ever taken,i also have a pct tablet with proviron ,climid ,tamoxifen . just looking for a bit of advise

  2. #2
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    i wouldnt take the proviron during pct, run your proviron with the test. if you trust your source and he has reliable products then i wouldnt run that much test i would do .5ml of each in one shot twice a week that would give you 400mg of test and 250mg tren a week total. What type of cycles have you done in the past? Tren is pretty hardcore, i would get some caber for on cycle and hcg .How long have you been training for? You say you havent had success in the past with using gear, maybe the gear is no good? You have to be able to feel when the gear is working, you get stronger and put on weight now with this your training and food has the be the most important thing. If you really not sure about your source you can do blood work and check your test levels.
    Last edited by pavlenko; 01-04-2015 at 07:48 AM.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you have not had much sucess in the past either your gear was bad/under dosed or your diet and training were. Jumping into more/stronger gear such as tren is not the right direction to go until you have several successful basic test only and less harsh aas cycles under your belt.

    Start out by reading this and trying to follow these guidelines.

  4. #4
    Nobuddy's Avatar
    Nobuddy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavlenko View Post
    i wouldnt take the proviron during pct, run your proviron with the test. if you trust your source and he has reliable products then i wouldnt run that much test i would do .5ml of each in one shot twice a week that would give you 400mg of test and 250mg tren a week total. What type of cycles have you done in the past? Tren is pretty hardcore, i would get some caber for on cycle and hcg .How long have you been training for? You say you havent had success in the past with using gear, maybe the gear is no good? You have to be able to feel when the gear is working, you get stronger and put on weight now with this your training and food has the be the most important thing. If you really not sure about your source you can do blood work and check your test levels.
    You said .5 twice a week would give him 650mg. Am I misunderstanding him? It sounds like the second compound he's wanting to run is Tren E.

    Never mind, I must be seeing things, I swear I thought you said that would total 650 of test, the first time. My bad.
    Last edited by Nobuddy; 01-04-2015 at 07:54 AM.

  5. #5
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    i edited the post, i thought you had two vials of test. i misread your post regardless lovbyts is right tren is hardcore not for beginner.

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The dosages you asked about are fairly conservative however as Lovbyts points out if your diet and training are not upto snuff then you will just be wasting your time. I am not suggesting this applies to you but if you haven't had much success and your gear is good then you might want to re-evaluate your diet and training.

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