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  1. #1
    belva's Avatar
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    18 weeks out of competition HGH TP MAST ANAVAR cycle Help?

    Current weight 100 kg
    I never used HGH before and I'd like to include it, how shall I ramp it up? Here my idea

    HGH idea:
    w 1-2 2 iu 1 morning shot
    w 3 1,5 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 4-5 2 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 6-7 2,5 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 8-9 3 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 10-w18 4 iu 2 xday m and afternoon

    Steroid cycle:
    w9-18 (10 weeks) Test p 100mg eod/ masteron 100mg eod/ anavar 100mg ed

    AR 0,5 E3d
    HCG 250 2xw

    Pct: nov 40/20/20/20 and clom 75/50/50/25

    Last cycle:

    w1-8 test p 100mg eod
    w1-8 tren a 100mg eod
    w3-8 winstron tabs 50mg ed

    My main concern is how to ramp up the HGH, but any advice even in the steroid cycle will be happly accepted. thank you guys,

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Are you able to get pharmacy HGH? I would not recommend trying generics.

  3. #3
    belva's Avatar
    belva is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Are you able to get pharmacy HGH? I would not recommend trying generics.
    Yes, HGH is from farmacy, where I am they get it with no med prescription, but all the other steroid they are UG, brand I use before and found it working though.

  4. #4
    belva's Avatar
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    Whats wrong guys can't help a fellow?

  5. #5
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would run the hgh @ 4 ius a day pre cycle then bump it up to 8 ius a day (or 10 if you have enough) then ramp back down to 4 ius a day at the start of pct.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by belva View Post
    Current weight 100 kg
    I never used HGH before and I'd like to include it, how shall I ramp it up? Here my idea

    HGH idea:
    w 1-2 2 iu 1 morning shot
    w 3 1,5 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 4-5 2 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 6-7 2,5 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 8-9 3 iu 2 x day m and afternoon
    w 10-w18 4 iu 2 xday m and afternoon
    With HGH consistency is key. If you have pharma HGH, start with 2iu/ed for a week and increase 1iu/week until you're at 10iu/ed. When you get to 4iu you should split your dose morning and evening.

    Steroid cycle:
    w9-18 (10 weeks) Test p 100mg eod/ masteron 100mg eod/ anavar 100mg ed
    10 weeks on anavar's hard on the liver. I would do the anavar for the last 6 weeks. Use NAC as liver support milk thistle does not work as well as NAC. You're proposing to use 350mg/wk of Test and 350mg/wk of Mast to prepare for a contest? That cycle is a good cycle but I wonder if it's enough to prepare for a show.

    AR 0,5 E3d If you're prone to gyno, you should go .5mg/eod.
    HCG 250 2xw

    Pct: nov 40/20/20/20 and clom 75/50/50/25 You should do 100/50/50/50 on the Clomid.

    Last cycle:

    w1-8 test p 100mg eod
    w1-8 tren a 100mg eod
    w3-8 winstron tabs 50mg ed

    My main concern is how to ramp up the HGH, but any advice even in the steroid cycle will be happly accepted. thank you guys,
    Just do a ramp with the HGH up to 10iu/ed and just hold it there. Honestly, I don't know if you'll get your money's worth out of the HGH in 18 weeks. That's a pretty short duration. However, it definitely won't hurt you. Body composition change is 50% food, 25% gear, and 25% exercise IMO. Eat super clean and do a little cardio to cut fat. The HGH's awesome in cutting belly fat. I've been on HGH for over 7 years now and I've always carried a 6 pac even when I eat donuts.

  7. #7
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Just do a ramp with the HGH up to 10iu/ed and just hold it there. Honestly, I don't know if you'll get your money's worth out of the HGH in 18 weeks. That's a pretty short duration. However, it definitely won't hurt you. Body composition change is 50% food, 25% gear, and 25% exercise IMO. Eat super clean and do a little cardio to cut fat. The HGH's awesome in cutting belly fat. I've been on HGH for over 7 years now and I've always carried a 6 pac even when I eat donuts.
    Hey ScotchGaurd02,
    I saw ^ that you've been running HGH for 7 yrs... I s th at RX??

    I only ask because I need a total joint replacement and being 31 I've been looking into going to the Doc for HGH treatment! I've lost over 85% of all connective tissue in my R shoulder and I'm too young for the replacement(they want me to wait til I'm 50+. Lol)... And would you say I'm a good candidate for GH? I think TRT is in my near future as I have low T... Plus been on pain meds on and off for half my life(opiates cause testosterone production to slow a lot faster than normal)

    Since being on for 7 yrs what iu do run??

  8. #8
    belva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Just do a ramp with the HGH up to 10iu/ed and just hold it there. Honestly, I don't know if you'll get your money's worth out of the HGH in 18 weeks. That's a pretty short duration. However, it definitely won't hurt you. Body composition change is 50% food, 25% gear, and 25% exercise IMO. Eat super clean and do a little cardio to cut fat. The HGH's awesome in cutting belly fat. I've been on HGH for over 7 years now and I've always carried a 6 pac even when I eat donuts.
    Thank you for your advice , that's exactly what I needed. Yes I'm realizing 10 weeks of anavar is a bit too much I'll lower it to 6.

    I was also thinking if its better to do 12 weeks of Test C 500mg/2xw instead, using Test Suspention on week 13 and 14 just before the competiion (last 6 weeks mast 100mg EOD and anavar50mg ED)?

    I'm doing physique, so I don't really need to look that big. Yes, even physique athlete use stuff and I know I'm not the only one.

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