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  1. #1
    vikingblood's Avatar
    vikingblood is offline Associate Member
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    3 rd cycle and want to step it up

    Hi everyone. I am currently in the middle of my second cycle which is low does test only, 400MG PW. I am already planning my next cycle and I wanted to step it up a little bit. I wont be starting this cycle till July. I do Crossfit and my next cycle I want to do something that will get me stronger while staying fairly lean. My low dose test cycles have been great I have put on about 12 pounds between my first cycle and my current cycle. During my next cycle it will be just when I start my strength cycle for the next season, so I was planning on running a higher dose test this time maybe around 500-600. My buddy is trying to talk me into Masteron but from what I have read it doesnt seem very well suited to Crossfit and my goals. I know Tren will get me strong as shit but tren will kill my conditioning which I still need to somewhat maintain during my strength cycle. Oh and my strength cycle goes from July to Oct. Any ideas what be greatly appreciated. Here are my numbers and gains from my last cycle and current cycle. Last thing I want something were the detection time on a test is 6 months or less.

    Last year This year
    Weight: 205 224
    BF 15.5% 14%
    Deadlift 405 455
    Squat 385 405
    Bench 306 315 Never trained bench
    Clean 285 315
    Snatch 215 245

    My ideas for next cycle
    Test E @600MG split 2x a week for 12 weeks
    HCG 500IU spilt 2x per week for 12 weeks
    Aridex @.25 eod for 14 weeks

    thinking of adding EQ, mast or ????

    PCT will be standard
    Clomid and nolva

  2. #2
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
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    what were your previous cycles? Have you tried adding d-bol for the first 4 weeks, or deca ?

    might not need to run 70 mg's nolva for 3 sure someone else will chime in

  3. #3
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
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    Remember cycle time + pct= Time off.

  4. #4
    vikingblood's Avatar
    vikingblood is offline Associate Member
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    My first cycle was 10 weeks of test C @300MG per week with 4 week PCT and the one I am on currently is Test E @ 400MG a week for 12 weeks. When I finish this cycle next middle of next month plue my 4 week PCT I will be able to start in July for next cycle. Should be 16 weeks, should be able to start July 14th.

  5. #5
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Another straight up tes cycle would be great. Around 500 mgs a week would work well. Don't be in a hurry to step up the dosages to quickly ( I know its hard and very tempting) because you will be doing more mgs then you need to too accomplish the same goal and the side effects will creep up on you quickly. You could add an oral like tbol which wont effect your cardio as much as some others or just build up your blood levels slowly. For a pct, I think this looks better: clo: 100/50/50/50, Nov: 40/40/20/20.

  6. #6
    cttoasn's Avatar
    cttoasn is offline Associate Member
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    Not an attempt to high jack buster, just a relevant question.

    With a kick start on a cycle like his, would tbol hold an edge over dbol in terms of helping with his metabolic conditioning or cardio. Does tbol have a positive impact on red blood cells that dbol does not?

  7. #7
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes taper down pct dosages soon like 75/50/50/25 and 40/40/20/20
    Higher test is going to effect you crossfit performance
    My suggestion is run lower test 300mg with higher eq 500mg ranger maybe kick start with prop
    you need to avoid the pumps will on cycle so your crossfit will not be drastically effected

  8. #8
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cttoasn View Post
    Not an attempt to high jack buster, just a relevant question.

    With a kick start on a cycle like his, would tbol hold an edge over dbol in terms of helping with his metabolic conditioning or cardio. Does tbol have a positive impact on red blood cells that dbol does not?
    I think tbol has and edge over dbol in the cardio department for sure. I usually run tbol at a conservative 40-50 mgs a day for a kickstart and I don't get the sides I get from other orals. As far as rbc is concerned I don't know.

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