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Thread: Worth risking it?

  1. #1
    pedrohsml is offline New Member
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    Worth risking it?

    Hello guys, Im new to steroids and Im planning my first cycle. Been training for 3 years now and I have a fair knowledge about dieting and training.
    I read the book anabolics and got a basic concept about steroids, how to inject, how to cycle and how long, side effects, etc... But I have 3 problems and would like to take your advice on how to act based on them.

    Im 21 years old,
    -I still have a bit of acne on my face
    -I have puffy nipples
    -My HDl is low, last time I checked it was 35(optimal leves are 60+)

    Im considering starting my first cycle and then fixing this problems, since they can be aggravated from the side effects so I plan to go to the doctor and check them during the cycle with the bloodwork. My cycle is going to be very light, 600mg of testosterone /week for 8 weeks and proper PCT. By the way, the book said that the only proven PCT to restore testosterone leves back to normal is the PoWeR PCT. Im not considering using HCG for this PCT since I've been told that just antiestrogens would do the work for a light cycle like this.

    So this are my concers: Consdering your experience, how big would be the risk of aggravating this problems during my first cycle? Or would be better to wait until this problems are fixed and then start to cycle? And a antiestrogens would do the work for a cycle like this or a TPC like PoWeR would be necessary?

  2. #2
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am in my 40's and have done AAS since I was your age. In my opinion, and probably in the opinion of others you absolutely should wait. You will add more problems that I promise you do not want later in life. Just keep building a foundation naturally and when you are a little older AAS will still be around and you will be able to make a better decision. I know if I could go back in time I would have waited and I truly hope you can learn from others mistakes and wait a little longer.

  3. #3
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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    Hi, your off to a great start! Asking questions and getting feedback from knowledgeable members and reading forums will answer most of your questions plus you'll have less regrets. A must read... Enjoy!

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Get all your problems resolved health and life wise straightened out first.
    training 3 years is nothing (I trained 10 plus years before)
    what is "fair knowledge" mean about training and diet mean? You need to know everything possible about your body as stated above learn how your body reacts to things.
    Have you learned how to properly bulk and cut?
    have you reached your natural limits yet?
    I have a friend that would not listen and he 7 weeks into a cycle (20 years old) and torn a tendon few days ago and he is done for a while.
    you sound like you have put some time in research but moving for I would concentrate on learning new training techniques and learn how the pro's eat.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    wtf... dont learn how pro's eat...

    Their training and diet only work cause they use lots of gear and they have crazy genetic... cause other wise it would not work.
    Most pro are real incompetant...
    if you have crazy genetic and lots of gear anything will work doesnt mean it is a efficient way or not
    and people are moron enough to believe than being big means knowledge...

    natty and enhanced isnt the same thing...

    and average genetic and elite isnt the same...

    dont follow bodybuilding type training cause for average joe and not heavy gear user that is silly and if far from efficient.

    learn how to really train. and youll grow.
    steroids are a must to reach certain goal but if you dont need them you better not use them.

  6. #6
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    There are 3 people.

    One says steroids is crap and you will die and you are stupid to do them at some point.
    One says sterioids work and you can only use so much or you will have major issues
    One says educate yourself and do the right thing.

    If I gave you 3 things to take seriously and ease your journey.

    1. Brew your own stuff from not buy brewed items from anyone. In the long run you will save hundreds of thousands of dollars if you are going to use 10-20 years

    2. Learn your medical and take control of your medical life. You should be doing this anyway but this is key to using AAs safely.

    3. The risk is less to do AAs than to drive your car to work (in my opinion) once you educate yourself so read read read...not articles written by some annomous named person on the internet. Read Endo journals and learn what the REAL story is....anyone can write anything on the internet and make it sound like law passed down by God.

    Good luck..the journey is worth it.

  7. #7
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    wtf... dont learn how pro's eat...

    Their training and diet only work cause they use lots of gear and they have crazy genetic... cause other wise it would not work.
    Most pro are real incompetant...
    if you have crazy genetic and lots of gear anything will work doesnt mean it is a efficient way or not
    and people are moron enough to believe than being big means knowledge...

    natty and enhanced isnt the same thing...

    and average genetic and elite isnt the same...

    dont follow bodybuilding type training cause for average joe and not heavy gear user that is silly and if far from efficient.

    learn how to really train. and youll grow.
    steroids are a must to reach certain goal but if you dont need them you better not use them.
    I don't know about you but I have not trained and put all this time in for most my life to be a average joe and I sure most who are on here are not settling to be a average joe.
    You never watched or read about pro's training routines or diets?
    You never learned anything from them or took pointers or tips away?
    where do think all this comes from ????
    The average joe you speak of is these people crowding the gym because of there New Years resolutions
    Average efford gets average results
    Last edited by derekkpapa1; 01-15-2015 at 09:00 PM.
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  8. #8
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    you havent read well then im talking about average genetic not average physic.

    and yes I did learn from.them when I started 7 years ago...

    It never lead me anywhere cause those type of trainibg simply dont do much if you dont use drugs or have a amazing genetic

    cause someone with a truly amazing genetic can do anything and it will work. You cant disagree with that.

    and the bodybuilding world is way more about drugs and genetic than it is about training and dieting.

    Diet isnt that bad. some even does make sense.
    but training wise... it is lacking severely...

  9. #9
    pedrohsml is offline New Member
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    Thnaks for all the answers guys, actually Im 5'6 176lb 3 year of training, I know how my body parts reacts to training and I know how to eat to gain size or lose fat. I mean, Im not saying that I know EVERYTHING but with my experience I can say that nothing is stoping me from taking steroids but my health. Im going to check my problems first as you all who are more experienced are advising me. Thanks

  10. #10
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    At 21 you are at your peak of natural testosterone production, taking steroids will shut down this natural testosterone production and evidence shows testosterone never goes back to the same levels. This happens often in under 25 year old guys where their HPTA is not fully matured.

    Understand you HPTA before thinking of taking any shot. Halting your natural testosterone, risking even becoming TRT patient, just to "look good" is a complete nonsense to me IMHO.

  11. #11
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Any time you start out with....I am going to fix the problems end up with more problems. That is a big hurry to go nowhere approach ......take care of the problems you DO have first...period!

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