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  1. #1
    fishizzle0927's Avatar
    fishizzle0927 is offline Associate Member
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    cruise and blast

    Going to cruise test e 350 and blast with mast e and tren a, never toyed with mast, buddy swears 100 mg a week is plenty........? Any input is appreciated, haven't used in 2 years so receptors should respond extremely well.

  2. #2
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishizzle0927 View Post
    Going to cruise test e 350 and blast with mast e and tren a, never toyed with mast, buddy swears 100 mg a week is plenty........? Any input is appreciated, haven't used in 2 years so receptors should respond extremely well.
    If you believe those receptor bullshit you ahouldnt be crusing due to huge lack of knowledge...

    Dont mean to be an asshole but this is complete broscience and real science show the exact opposite. And logic do too...

    Anyway 100 mg of mast is extremely low.

    I would advice you to try to come off cause you clearly dont have the knowledge rwquirw to cruise for a lifetime safely...

  3. #3
    fishizzle0927's Avatar
    fishizzle0927 is offline Associate Member
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    Real science also doesnt support the cult theory on damaged growth plates at young aged aas use. Example Arnold Schwarzenegger. Understood 100mg mast is low 200mg is low as well, was dosing for hardening and anti estrogen. The lack of knowledge is why we're all here if im not mistaken......

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your stats?
    Previous cycle history?
    100mgs of mast per week wont do nothing

  5. #5
    fishizzle0927's Avatar
    fishizzle0927 is offline Associate Member
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    6'1" 235lbs 18-20% bf 33 years old
    cycled on and off starting at 25 ran test e/c/p sust tren a/e var tbol deca clen
    Last cycle was sust 250 eod 12wks tren e 600mg a week w hcg and nolva for pct went really was 255 w 13% bf had a baby changed jobs etc. 2 years out of the game been training since
    August hard and heavy, gains have flat lined

  6. #6
    fishizzle0927's Avatar
    fishizzle0927 is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe ill snag another bottle of mast for 300 mg for 6 weeks?

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