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  1. #1
    Deephatfryer is offline New Member
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    Mar 2015

    About to start a new cycle after 8 years.

    I have sust, eq, winny and dbol otw. Naturally im not taking all these at the same time, my question is, originally I was planning on doing an

    8wk dbol 30-50 with sust 250mg x2 per week

    My question being is, would it be an all together bad thing to go ahead and incorporate the EQ say 250x2 in this cycle from the get go to elongate the same bulking effects of the Dbol only keeping that going with the EQ since the Dbol is only being used for tops 8 weeks. I would like to continue the heavy gains throughout the full cycle of 12 weeks or longer due to the fact that im told most recommend running EQ that long for full effects esters etc. and I obviously want to maximize gains on this cycle. I have Arimi on hand for AI during the cycle and will be getting my Nolva and Clom shortly for PCT.

    I plan on cutting with sust and winny afterwards. Not into Tren due to the seemingly bad cardio issues associated with it for my sport.

    I am 34
    200 lbs
    body fat is unknown atm I would call it at about 20% tops.
    Your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well.... I would drop the bf to about 15% prior to cycling and extend your proposed cycle to 12 weeks. If you havent cycled in 8 years you may just want to do a tes only cycle. Have you looked into an AI, hcg , or a pct? These things are paramount in having a successful cycle.

  3. #3
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    My bad, I see you are looking into your ancillaries. Care to post up your dosages for them?

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