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  1. #1
    hardworkforgains is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Starting Clen Need Opinions/What to expect

    Hey Guys,

    I plan on running a 2 week clen cycle and wanted to know what results everyone else has experienced. Just give me an idea of body fat differences and what I can expect. I know everyones different but just looking for an idea. I will also give you some background info. And thanks in advance guys!

    Weight: 190
    Height: 5' 8"
    Body Fat: 10%
    Would like to get down to 4-6% (By the end of my cut not within these 2 weeks, but if it comes great!)
    Been cutting for about 6 weeks and have consistently lost right under a pound of fat week.

    2,000 Calories
    285 grams of protein
    105 grams of carbs
    38 grams of fat
    And I probably have 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks. (That cheat meal is usually Thai food, or sushi and I still stay away from eating carbs even during those meals)

    I work out 5-6 days a week. Mixing it up between low-medium reps with high weight and high reps with low weight. The latter seems to work better for me. Also cardio 4 days a week, usually stair master for 20-30 mins.

    Currently Cycling: (In my 6th week out of 16, starting clen next week)
    600mg test e per week
    600mg eq per week
    75mg of anavar a day (Only for 6-7 weeks out of the cycle towards the end)

    9-120mcg (If I can handle sides up until this point)
    10-120mcg (If I can handle sides up until this point)

    Again thanks for your input!

  2. #2
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2011
    my best results were starting at 10mcg upping ED 10mcg, ending at week 2 with 140mcg. lost 7kg went from 15% to 11% more or less. from 10% - 6% its posible, but you have to diet strong.

  3. #3
    hardworkforgains is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    What did you diet look like during this time? If you don't mind me asking?

  4. #4
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2006
    Everyone probably has different opinions here, but I do not like to create a set schedule on how much clen to take over the course of your time on. Everyone is different and responds differently to it. Therefore, I like to start out low and when the sides start to subside increase it a bit. Now, for me, I start out at around 80mcg per day and up to 120mcg over a two week period and then stop for a few weeks and start over again. But some people get crazy sides at a lower dose. This is why I think it is good to start low to determine how your body responds and take clen accordingly instead of following a set regimen. Of course having an idea of boundaries is certainly good, but do not be afraid to deviate if necessary.
    Good luck.

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