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Thread: Wondering if im going the right route test sustanon and winny

  1. #1
    mattc6929 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2015

    Wondering if im going the right route test sustanon and winny

    Not gonna lie I'm very green. I was very overweight. 5'10" 245. Iv lost a considerable amount of weight in the last 6 months I'm now 195 pounds. I started hitting the gym hard a month ago. Already seen some improvement but I kno it takes a lot of time and hard work. Someone I kno suggested I start a cycle of test sustanon and winstrol . I did my first injection of the sustanon .5ml yesterday. Which I have been told to do every other or every 3 days. I have the liquid oral winstrol which I was told to do a .5ml squirt which is equal to 50mg everyday. I'm trying to cut away the rest of this baby fat and strengthin at the same time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    mattc6929 is offline New Member
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    I Am also 27 years old and in good health according to my dr. No problems with liver or blood pressure

  3. #3
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    It's always suggested to start with a test only cycle. If you start off with two compounds and are having sides/a reaction there is no way to know where it js coming from. Also test is best. You can cut or bulk on it very efficiently. It boosts your metabolism, it will make you work harder in the gym, and give you better work outs, your energy levels will be higher. Generally test will do everything you want it to and more. 500mgs weekly is a good dose for a beginner to get great results.

    Winny is quite harsh. Very hard on your joints, liver and lipid profile. Many like it, but many hate it and refuse to use it. In your situation test is all you need. If you feel so inclined after a month or so on test only you can think about adding in an eca stack to increase cardio or fell burn fat.

    Best of luck to ya man, keep us updated!

  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    My advice would be to stop this read and learn about AAS and what these compounds do. Starting the gym one month ago is really really no use to you. You could realy hurt yourself tendons/muscle ect ect as these are not used to weight training.

    You see AAS will make you stronger quicker but your tendons/muscle ect are not used to this weight that's why we recommend a min 12 months training to get a good base.

    You should also get to 15% bf as the less fat you have the safer as in sides from these compounds there is ppl that do run cycles at a higher bf% but that is there choice.

    This link i am posting for you is just to show you what is needed from you and how to run a safe proper first cycle . I am not in anyway being a smart ass to you i just giving you a heads up.

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    Oh and it's in the wrong section lol.
    Back In Black likes this.

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    ^^^^everythingbthat Clarky said.

    One month is no time at all to be taking AAS. Never listen to someone you know about cycling. Especially if they are your dealer.

    Our diet section will be your best friend right now.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    evander87's Avatar
    evander87 is offline Senior Member
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    If you've only been hitting it hard in the gym for a month as it's been said you're setting yourself up for serious injury. You're muscles will take to the aas but your connective tissue hasn't had a chance to build up. Nothing like snapping a tendon holding your bicep or pec in place.

    Most people require 18-24 months of hard lifting to build up the connective tissue.

    Eat meticulous, train ridiculous for best results.

  7. #7
    mattc6929 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input guys. Sounds like I need to slow my roll a bit. Figured as much. Sorry for posting in the wrong forum

  8. #8
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Oh yah man didn't catch you were only lifting a month. Definitely not time to start anabolics. Good advice above. Best of luck.

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