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    blakegains's Avatar
    blakegains is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2015

    Will BW be drastically different at 20% compared to 15%? Help from vet

    So I'm sitting right around 20% BF and plan on cycling when it comes down to the recommended 15%, as I'm not interested in fighting extra sides during the cycle. I had my calories way too high the past 3-4 months and basically did a unintentional bulk. I have adjusted my calories way back to right under 2000 calories and am seeing great results already. I lift 5 days a week but don't have a very active job ( most of the time ).
    I'm following AUSTINITES first cycle advice to a T. My question is this : I have a doc appt scheduled for this coming up Friday the 17th. If I get " pre-cycle " BW panels at this time but don't plan on cycling for at least another month or 6-8 weeks when my BF is down. Will my estro levels be a big difference from 20%to 15% therefore not resulting in an accurate base to reference for post cycle BW? It takes me a long time to get doctor appointment with my PCD So I was gonna see if I can avoid having more BW done when my bf% is down to 15%.
    I know I can always do private labwork but I figured I'd have doc do them since I was going anyways for a checkup. I will post picture I took this morning

    AGE 28
    Ht. 6ft
    Weight. 197
    I know I can still get some good gains without AAS also, that combined with needigg to drop BF I'm in no hurry at all. I really want to have a good experience.
    Sorry if I posted in the wrong section, didn't know where this would have fit.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Will BW be drastically different at 20% compared to 15%? Help from vet-image.jpg   Will BW be drastically different at 20% compared to 15%? Help from vet-image.jpg  

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