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  1. #1
    Sam da arab is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Give it to me straight - cycle, routine-workout, and diet

    Hey Everyone,

    This is the first time I am posting... usually I can dig out answers. I am in need of some specifics so I would appreciate any knowledge you can drop on me. This may be too long but I am trying to give you all the info that you would need to reply.

    I'm 5 foot 9 inches, 218 pounds, and 34 years old. I have a bulky look with minimal definition.
    I have been a working out seriously for the past 10 years, with some short gaps. My diet has always been half assed. I have 4 cycles under my belt consisting mainly of Test P 100mg EOD and Tren A 75mg EOD for 12 weeks. PCT has been Nolva / Letro ( unfortunately I did not educate myself properly on PCT previously ) My last cycle was 4 years ago.

    GEAR -

    Today I am starting my 3rd week running Ripex 225 ( I was too cheap to pay for each individually so I thought this would be a good alternative ). Ripex 225 is a mix of Test P 75mg, Tren A 75mg, and Masteron 75mg. I am running 1ml EOD. I am taking .5 Arimidex EOD. I am planning on running 12 weeks all at 1ml. The only complaint I have so far is the massive bloating. Started at 213 lb 16 days later I am at 219 lb I have my PCT in place...

    Week 13 - hCG 500 iu ED
    Week 14 - hCG 500 iu 3 days
    Week 14 - Nolva 40 mg ED
    Week 15 - Nolva 40 mg ED
    Week 16 - Nolva 20 mg ED
    Week 15 - Nolva 20 mg ED

    This may look familiar, It's the intermediate cutting cycle provided here... well almost, the poor mans alternative.

    DIET -

    I like to think i am fully dialed in... I measure everything, i am not concerned about taste just trying to get it done.
    Im at 2100-2400 calories a day
    180-200g protien
    100 - 175g carbs

    no pre workout meal
    post workout protein shake ( water and powder only )
    1/4 oatmeal and protein powder
    the next 3 meals are all the same
    5-7oz of tuna or chicken breast ( red meat once every 10 days )
    1/4 cup brown rice or 4 oz of sweet potato and unlimited veggies ( usually broccoli, sometimes green cabbage, or cauliflower ) Some almonds or pistachios in between meals but no more than 1 cup in the entire day if at all. I cheat with peanut butter ( 1 - 2 tablespoons ) and Fruit ( apples or berries ) These only come in to play once or twice a week.
    I am super careful with sodium and I consume at minimum 1.5 gallons of water plus another .5 gallon of fluids ( coffee and protein shakes )


    Weights at 5 am - 6:15 am 5-6 days a week.
    Cardio ( stair master only ) 6:15 am - 7 am 4 - 5 days a week ( staggered, only one non work out day. On the cardio only day, i go 60 min. )


    I push myself to the max without compromising form. I have a workout buddy which makes it easier to increase intensity without worrying about dropping the weights on myself.

    chest/tris - 5 exercises, 4 sets, 8 - 12 reps / 3 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
    back/biceps - " "
    Shoulders - 7 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps + shrugs ( 2 ex, 4 sets, 10 reps )
    Legs - 7 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
    Legs /calves - 4 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps / 4 exercises, 4 sets, 15 -20 reps )

    I change the order every week and plan on changing up the pairing on week 7.

    My primary goal is to drop body fat. Ideally I would weigh in at 190 pounds or less at the end. I dont care at all about putting on size, some lean muscle would be great but is secondary to dropping body fat. I also dont expect to have a 8 pack but it would be nice to have some definition in the abdomen.


    I would like to add Clen to this cycle but I dont know if that is a good idea. My only motivation to do so is to increase the fat loss. Please let me know your thoughts.

    I think I am under eating, even too cut... right? ( heading into dunk tank for bf test and rmr test this week )

    Overall does it look like I am on the right track based on my goals? Any changes or substitutes ?

    Please feel free to let me know your honest thoughts, even if you think i'm an idiot. I dont think I am overlooking anything but if I am please let me know.

    Sorry for the lengthy note and I am sure I still missed some important piece of info that you will need.

    Based on your replies, I will know if I should still be a reader only on the forum or if I can start contributing.

    Thanks in advance for your time and sharing your knowledge.

    Sam -

  2. #2
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Welcome, Sam. You've come to the right place to get guidance. A few replies in bold below.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam da arab View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    This is the first time I am posting... usually I can dig out answers. I am in need of some specifics so I would appreciate any knowledge you can drop on me. This may be too long but I am trying to give you all the info that you would need to reply.

    I'm 5 foot 9 inches, 218 pounds, and 34 years old. I have a bulky look with minimal definition.
    I have been a working out seriously for the past 10 years, with some short gaps. My diet has always been half assed. I have 4 cycles under my belt consisting mainly of Test P 100mg EOD and Tren A 75mg EOD for 12 weeks. PCT has been Nolva / Letro ( unfortunately I did not educate myself properly on PCT previously ) My last cycle was 4 years ago.

    You didn't give a body fat %, but by the way you're describing yourself, I'm going to put you somewhere around 18-20% bodyfat. You're probably not going to want to hear this, but this is my honest opinion. You could do a lot just by sticking to a clean diet and having a solid workout routine to get down to reasonable body fat, where you would get the most out of AAS. Remember, the higher your body fat, the bigger chance you have of estrogen related sides. In all honesty, I personally would drop the cycle and continue for 6 months to a year all natty before starting up again. I can already tell (as you mentioned yourself) that your diet has not been that great, especially considering your stats after 10 years of training and 4 cycles under your belt.

    GEAR -

    Today I am starting my 3rd week running Ripex 225 ( I was too cheap to pay for each individually so I thought this would be a good alternative ). Ripex 225 is a mix of Test P 75mg, Tren A 75mg, and Masteron 75mg. I am running 1ml EOD. I am taking .5 Arimidex EOD. I am planning on running 12 weeks all at 1ml. The only complaint I have so far is the massive bloating. Started at 213 lb 16 days later I am at 219 lb I have my PCT in place...

    If you decide to continue this cycle (which I advise you stop), I would increase pinning to ED. Pinning EOD at the above concentration is only giving you, on average, ~260 mg of Test, Tren, and Masteron. I also don't feel that, given your stats, you need all those compounds. Stick with Test only (prop is ok if that's your preference), and pin 150mg EOD. Again, I would just hold off. Btw, HCG is meant to be administered ON cycle, not during PCT. Since you're taking an AI but still getting bloated, I would run blood work to see where you stand. As I mentioned above, the higher the body fat, the more prone you'll be to estrogen related sides.

    Week 13 - hCG 500 iu ED
    Week 14 - hCG 500 iu 3 days
    Week 14 - Nolva 40 mg ED
    Week 15 - Nolva 40 mg ED
    Week 16 - Nolva 20 mg ED
    Week 15 - Nolva 20 mg ED

    Remove the HCG from PCT and pin it twice a week at 250iu each (500iu/week) Although you're running mild doses, your PCT should be stronger. Tren shuts you down hard. I like to run Nolva for 6 weeks at 40/40/20/20/20/20 regardless of what I'm running on cycle. Most members here will advise you to add in Clomid at something like 75/50/50/50. I, personally, cannot handle the sides from Clomid, so I prefer Toremifene. I run it for 4 weeks at 120/90/60/60.

    This may look familiar, It's the intermediate cutting cycle provided here... well almost, the poor mans alternative.

    The problem with these stickies in the diet forum, in my humble opinion, is that they're dated. I'm sure the below posted meal plan is much better than what you have been doing up until now, but that's not to say it can't be better. Can I ask what your goals are for this cycle? As mentioned, I would concentrate on getting your diet dialed in perfectly to see how you respond to different calorie amounts and different macro splits before diving head first into a cycle.

    DIET -

    I like to think i am fully dialed in... I measure everything, i am not concerned about taste just trying to get it done.
    Im at 2100-2400 calories a day With your stats, I'm going to assume you're cutting off this amount. That's fine, but again, I feel you could do this without the aid of AAS.
    180-200g protien
    100 - 175g carbs
    Fat? I'm assuming around 100 grams given your other macro amounts and total calories, which is a bit high IMO.

    no pre workout meal Like I said, these stickies are dated. Definitely add a meal before your workout. Make it a pro/carb meal.
    post workout protein shake ( water and powder only ) Add in some carbs here to replenish glycogen stores.
    1/4 oatmeal and protein powder This isn't horrible, but try to make it whole food rather than another shake back to back.
    the next 3 meals are all the same
    5-7oz of tuna or chicken breast ( red meat once every 10 days )
    1/4 cup brown rice or 4 oz of sweet potato and unlimited veggies ( usually broccoli, sometimes green cabbage, or cauliflower ) Some almonds or pistachios in between meals but no more than 1 cup in the entire day if at all. I cheat with peanut butter ( 1 - 2 tablespoons ) and Fruit ( apples or berries ) These only come in to play once or twice a week.

    I like these 3 meals as long as the amounts fit into your daily macro allotment (and that goes for every meal).

    I am super careful with sodium and I consume at minimum 1.5 gallons of water plus another .5 gallon of fluids ( coffee and protein shakes )


    Weights at 5 am - 6:15 am 5-6 days a week.
    Cardio ( stair master only ) 6:15 am - 7 am 4 - 5 days a week ( staggered, only one non work out day. On the cardio only day, i go 60 min. )


    I push myself to the max without compromising form. I have a workout buddy which makes it easier to increase intensity without worrying about dropping the weights on myself.

    chest/tris - 5 exercises, 4 sets, 8 - 12 reps / 3 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
    back/biceps - " "
    Shoulders - 7 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps + shrugs ( 2 ex, 4 sets, 10 reps )
    Legs - 7 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
    Legs /calves - 4 exercises, 4 sets, 8-12 reps / 4 exercises, 4 sets, 15 -20 reps )

    I have to run, but I would advise you to put up your detailed workout plan in the workout section for critique.

    I change the order every week and plan on changing up the pairing on week 7. No need to change it up every week.

    My primary goal is to drop body fat. I guess I spoke to soon above when I asked what your goals were, although I figured this was the goal. Ideally I would weigh in at 190 pounds or less at the end. I dont care at all about putting on size, some lean muscle would be great but is secondary to dropping body fat. I also dont expect to have a 8 pack but it would be nice to have some definition in the abdomen. Honestly, this can all be done wihtout AAS.


    I would like to add Clen to this cycle but I dont know if that is a good idea. My only motivation to do so is to increase the fat loss. Please let me know your thoughts.
    If anything, drop the AAS, get down to about 12% naturally, then if you find yourself stalling, add clen.

    I think I am under eating, even too cut... right? ( heading into dunk tank for bf test and rmr test this week )
    Hmm...not entirely sure about that. If you calculated your macros correctly, then 2,400 calories/day isn't that bad. I would put your TDEE around 2,600, so this is a good starting point. I wouldn't go lower than that though, at least not in the beginning.

    Overall does it look like I am on the right track based on my goals? Any changes or substitutes ?
    Yes, drop the AAS, but that's my opinion. It's not needed yet.

    Please feel free to let me know your honest thoughts, even if you think i'm an idiot. I dont think I am overlooking anything but if I am please let me know.
    Definitely not an idiot. It's good you're asking questions.

    Sorry for the lengthy note and I am sure I still missed some important piece of info that you will need.

    Based on your replies, I will know if I should still be a reader only on the forum or if I can start contributing.

    Thanks in advance for your time and sharing your knowledge.

    Sam -

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Most update protocol calls for hcg during cycle at 250ui twice per week.

    1ml eod its a bit on the low side, also masteron will do none to little if you dont have low bf.

  4. #4
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I rec HCG the last 4-5 weeks of cycle up to but not into PCT at 500iu 2x a week.
    pct tamox and clomid if you can. but I really think you should dial in diet before running more cycles

  5. #5
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Maybe I missed it but are your running a DA (Prami or Caber) with your cycle? Even at low doses you want to control Prolactin. If you're not using one you should at least have one on hand

  6. #6
    Sam da arab is offline New Member
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    Thanks again for your input, I really appreciate it.

    I will switch to everyday and that will cut the duration of the cycle down to 8 weeks total. I will bring in the hCG in week 4 at 250iu x twice a week.
    I'll take your pct recommendation with Nolva and add clomid and move hCG to on cycle.

    I had blood work completed late last week and everything was normal ( probably to soon to tell ).

    Please feel free to chime in if you see something out of order.

    Thanks again.

  7. #7
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Great. Just don't forget the prami/caber as mentioned above, along with an AI.

    There are many who have good success with shorter cycles. I, however, prefer at the very least, a 10 week cycle, even when using short esters as you are. That being said, I've never ran a cycle shorter than 10 weeks, so I'm speaking from limited experience.

  8. #8
    Sam da arab is offline New Member
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    I though I would be okay because of the low dosage... I also cant source either. I do have some letro on hand in case but thats it. Reviewing other notes it seemed to me that its important when running heavy doses of Tren . Please let me know if I am very wrong and I'll try and figure out a way to get my hands on some.

    Thank you all again.

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