Currently on Test/Deca /Proviron /hcg ,adex
HCG normal 500/wk
proviron 100/day 50morn/50night
adex .25 or .5 EOD or as I feel joints are sore, or face too fat,
Test and deca have been varying because I got 250/test/200deca mix that had too much PIP, after a someone mentioned that at 450/ml is pretty heavy chem to handle, so I am diluting each pin with Cyp in with the TestE/deca mix
I beleive I am running right at 150/deca and 325 test/ 2 times a week.

week 10 of I think what is going to be a 20 week run, maybe 18, just not sure,

my question is, there are 3 below,

I assume to take the clen as I have earlier in the cycle in the morning first thing with all my liver supports, multi's and such.
Now for Dball, I am going to run this for next 5 weeks. I have some members working with me on precise foods for my goals, but, is Dball possibly have any pre work out benefits? should I take all in am or split up morning/afternoon?

AND do I need to alter my ai regimine? I also have aromasin and nolva sitting here if one of those would be benefitial to take here and there like 2wice a week. thoughts on that?

thanks guys, I tried to keep the post short, but, didnt work.