Hi, my wife is finishing her Anavar (pharmaceutical grade) 8 week cycle. Just 3 days left. It is her first cycle ever.

The cycle:
week 1: 5mg ED
week 2: 10mg ED
week 3: 10mg ED
week 4: 10mg ED
week 5: 15mg ED
week 6: 15mg ED
week 7: 20mg ED
week 8: 20mg ED

She is into powerlifting (non competitive) and enjoys the benefits of a more esthetic look (she likes bikini and fitness body types but dislikes the massively huge bodybuilding one). She lifts heavy (squats deadlifts, benchpress and some accesory lifts) and trains hard 3 times a week. No cardio at all. She doesnt keep a diet (she had eating disorders a decade ago), but moderately eats healthy food (despite my efforts to gently but firmly persuade her to track her macros).

Her current stats:
35 years old
21% body fat
weights 176lbs
height 5 ft 5 in.

Results of the cycle:
She lost 5% body fat (she had 26%). Her lifts went up like 50%. She said she experienced no sides whatsoever. I have to disagree on that though, as she is noticeably more agressive and intolerant. She has developed little but visble facial hair. Anyway, it is not a showstopper for her (and it is something I can cope with), and she doesnt see that or doesnt care.

I support her on all her desitions and stand by her, proud of her accomplishments, and because she is an outstanding partner. I also train (most of the time we go together), and my concern, which I dont know if it is well founded, is if it will be detrimental to her health/feminity doing another cycle (after 8 weeks of rest) with much higher doses of Anavar. She liked the cycle she did from start to end, and would like to experience an Anavar cycle ranging from 30 to 50 mg per day. What do you think?

Thank you all for your time, I would apreciate any input.