06-17-2015, 07:12 PM #1New Member
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Brand new to the game, these were recommended to me, please assist with advice
Hi everyone, new to the board. I have been working out consistently since 2009. I recently have fully recovered from a bad knee injury (sports related) where I tore my patellar tendon. During recover I ditched eating clean and eat whatever I wanted basically. Now I am fully recovered, eating clean again, and back in the gym. I have gained some weight during recovery though. A friend I played sports with has told me he has the hook up on some products(he uses them also) and I am very curious about experimenting(I have never used anything besides store bought pre workouts).
He has:
Test Sustanon
And Trenbolone Enanthate
He said he could get them both for me but recommended I start only with the test at first. He said you can use them both at the same time(because they are oil based) and recommended no more then 1cc of each a week to start. He uses them both like I said and has talked to me about them but I am just looking for a little more info/advice from experienced users.
Has anyone used these two together? Separately? Are they 'safe' for a brand new user? Should I expect certain side effects before or during the cycle? Is there something I would take during the cycle to help prevent this? I have tried reading up on PCT's but don't really know which ones are best or if certain ones apply to certain products?
Please keep in mind I have not started yet so these are all "what if" type questions.
I am 28 years old
5'10, 235lbs
I do not currently know my body fat %
I am very active in sports. My goals are to burn fat, build muscle quickly (not pro body builder size)
And if these exact questions have been asked then I apologize and please point me in the direction where I'd find the answers! Thank you so much.
06-17-2015, 07:18 PM #2
5 10 and 235 lbs no offence but your body fat % is too high to be cycling you should diet down to 15% naturally and research and lift to get ready for a cycle. if you do decide to do steroids do not do trenbolone first a simple testosterone cycle with AI and PCt will be all you need to see gains
06-17-2015, 07:33 PM #3Senior Member
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Test only for first cycle. Your friend is giving you bad advice tren should only be used by experienced users. Do some reading and get you diet in check and prepare before just jumping into a cycle. With high bf% you can run into bad sides. Also get blood work done so you know what your levels are prior to cycling. It really is very important. Good luck!!
06-17-2015, 09:02 PM #4New Member
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Thanks for the replies! Any particular ai's or PCT's you'd recommend for a test cycle? Any particular books or web sites to check out for research?
06-17-2015, 09:06 PM #5
the best site I have found is this one right here you can find anything you need and if you cant find it you can ask it. as far as AI I prefer aromasin /exemestane. look up the thread on here about planning a first cycle it will tell you everything you need to know
06-17-2015, 11:46 PM #6Associate Member
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There ya go bud!
06-18-2015, 12:53 AM #7
I would like to echo a post above,
at 5'10, 235lbs - your body fat % is farrrr too high to run AAS safely.
You are going to be at much higher risk of having complications.
I would suggest getting your diet in check and getting that cardio in, get your BF to sub 15% (probably around <200lbs) before considering a cycle.
06-18-2015, 01:49 PM #8New Member
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Okay thanks everyone. I will start getting everything in place and get what I need before starting my first test cycle. Glad I asked!!!
06-18-2015, 02:07 PM #9Junior Member
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If you anything like me when i was 28, than you won't listen anyone and will do it anyways. LOL
In case if decide to ignore wise members' suggestion on getting BF to 15% or so. At least consider following steps:
Make sure you set up a routine first: work out 4-5 times a week, run 3-5 miles each time or similar cardio.
Stock up on chicken, turkey, fish, lean meats, etc. Eliminate alcohol consumption.
Do that for a month, to make sure its a routine you can keep.
Cycle Test 12 weeks 500 week.
For AI use Arimidex .25mg Every Other day. HCG 250 Sub Q day before your test Injection. Make sure you have Nolvadex and Clomid ready for PCT! Probably most important part for me.
I'm hesitating on clicking "post" button, because i suspect i'll get shit from other members for this post., LOL
No AAS is needed at this time...
Just stick to a consistent diet/training program/& cardio... Eat clean and hard work... Stsy focused and keep on path - re-asses TDEE after losing weight.... Repeat process(you'll start knowing how your body reacts to certain foods - do little tweaks may be needed)... Keep doing this until reaching desired goals and then make a decision to run a TEST ONLY cycle as your first(AI hcg pct)... GL
06-18-2015, 03:12 PM #11Senior Member
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Does this sound like the comment of someone that is going to get his bodyfat down first?
Even if you gain 8 pounds of muscle, you will still be fat. You are wasting your money on a cycle because you will not notice the gains. You know that fat guy at the gym that lifts heavy...he has done the same thing. So have I.
Get your diet in check, your workout in check, your bodyfat in check and then in 6-12 months you may be ready to run a cycle if you really dedicate yourself.
Also, if you haven't been lifting hard for a while, you may have tendon issues as your muscle strength develops. These are real issues for some. Do more research. (you already have a history with tendons, right?)
Try reading all the comments except this time ignore all the ones that you think agree with you and focus on the ones that disagree with you. Those are the correct responses.
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