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Thread: My experience with using steroids at a young age

  1. #1
    recovery is offline New Member
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    My experience with using steroids at a young age

    So I was bullied relentlessly for being short all throughout middle and high school. It got to the point where I was getting depressed so I decided to try hgh. I used 6-9 units for 2.5 months and ran 2iu a day again for 1 month.

    Since then I've never been the same. I've been suffering from neck pain, knee and elbow stiffness and tmj disorder. I never had any of these problems before using gh.

    Despite this I continued to lift naturally for about 5 months after using the gh. About 1 month ago the three years total I spent lifting started to pay off. At 5'8 180 I wasn't big by any means but people began to recognize my efforts. I was one of the strongest guys in my university gym, but that wouldn't last for long. I got my first girlfriend at the time.

    Anyway I had to stop 2 months ago because the headaches and neck pain were becoming unbearable. Despite stopping my joints and neck hurt like hell and I've yet to wake up without a headache that usually lasts throughout the day. I had an mri done which showed a slight bulging disc but the doctor said it's not a big deal and is not the cause of the pain.

    Physical therapy starts next week and I guess I need to admit to the physio that I was using hgh. But I'm afraid that they might not be willing to help if I reveal this.

    My confidence is shot because I'm in constant pain and I'm depressed because I can no longer go to the gym. My roommate from last year told me that I am looking thin. I can't remember the last day I woke up feeling refreshed.

    My girlfriend has been distancing herself from me. There are other girls who are interested in me but I can't act on it. I know that in my current state it will go nowhere. My fraternity brothers hate me and people distance themselves from me. I do not have time to recover and now I am back in school again for the summer. Because I wasn't taking my studies seriously I am behind and need to cram classes in my schedule to graduate.

    At this point I realize that if I ever recover it is going to take months if not years. I will never have a good childhood or those college experiences that people in their 40s like to reminisce about. At the age of 20 my life is pretty much ruined.

    Please do not use steroids at a young age unless you are planning to go into competitive bodybuilding or professional athletics. Most of the time there are no serious side effects but remember, if they happen no one is going to be there for you. Those who you thought were your friends will disassociate themselves from you. You will be alone in your recovery if you ever do recover

  2. #2
    hallacam is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe your form was bad?

  3. #3
    recovery is offline New Member
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    It wasn't from bad form. I never really lifted more than I could handle. The joint pain from the gh started out as knee pain at first and that's when I should have stopped. I did not and I ended up paying the price.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    What kind of gh was? And where did you get it?
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  5. #5
    recovery is offline New Member
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    It was genotropin from astro labs. I'm going to admit what I did to my doctor and physical therapist and give it one last go with physical therapy. If it doesn't get better in a year or two that's it for me.

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    recovery is offline New Member
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    Only reason why I am still going is because my mom put in all of this work raising me. I'm tearing up as I write this but I can't give up, I need to get my degree and recover so I can give back to my parents.

  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    So UGL gh, which is most likely fake.

    Seriously IMO your pain is not related to this "GH", you need to get that checked, and you need to try to stop being so psychological about it. Like the gf problems or friends distance is on your own, dont find something to blame it on. Maybe its you that are keeping other ppl away...

    UGL gh is ussually peptides, which is ussually harmless
    thehor, DGenRit and recovery like this.

  8. #8
    uhit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    So UGL gh, which is most likely fake.

    Seriously IMO your pain is not related to this "GH", you need to get that checked, and you need to try to stop being so psychological about it. Like the gf problems or friends distance is on your own, dont find something to blame it on. Maybe its you that are keeping other ppl away...

    UGL gh is ussually peptides, which is ussually harmless
    Dont mean to hijack the thread, but for the sake of satiating my curiosity on GH, is it safe to assume all things from china (black tops, yellow tops) are peptides for the most part? Since they are considerably cheaper than pharma GH yet people have reported the typical benefits of GH from them such as better fat loss, less catabolic during deficits etc.

    Unless peptides cause that at lesser degrees and need like 10x the dosage to even compare..

  9. #9
    william981125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    So UGL gh, which is most likely fake.

    Seriously IMO your pain is not related to this "GH", you need to get that checked, and you need to try to stop being so psychological about it. Like the gf problems or friends distance is on your own, dont find something to blame it on. Maybe its you that are keeping other ppl away...

    UGL gh is ussually peptides, which is ussually harmless
    Agree with this. The only real gh u can get is from the pharmacy.
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  10. #10
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    So UGL gh, which is most likely fake.

    Seriously IMO your pain is not related to this "GH", you need to get that checked, and you need to try to stop being so psychological about it. Like the gf problems or friends distance is on your own, dont find something to blame it on. Maybe its you that are keeping other ppl away...

    UGL gh is ussually peptides, which is ussually harmless
    It might be fake bro but I did not have any tmj, elbow, neck or knee pain before I started it and now all of my joints are very stiff and weak. I can't lift anymore and I wake up with headaches and pain every day. All of this pain is what's causing my depression. Anyhow I am going to work towards getting better but if I don't then that's it for me.

  11. #11
    uhit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    It might be fake bro but I did not have any tmj, elbow, neck or knee pain before I started it and now all of my joints are very stiff and weak. I can't lift anymore and I wake up with headaches and pain every day. All of this pain is what's causing my depression. Anyhow I am going to work towards getting better but if I don't then that's it for me.
    A bit of a wild ball here, but try supplementing with omega 3 fish oil?

  12. #12
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    It might be fake bro but I did not have any tmj, elbow, neck or knee pain before I started it and now all of my joints are very stiff and weak. I can't lift anymore and I wake up with headaches and pain every day. All of this pain is what's causing my depression. Anyhow I am going to work towards getting better but if I don't then that's it for me.
    That's it for me? C'mon man, I don't want to be harsh but I suggest you to cheek your pants, you are a MAN. Stop crying, you are so depressed that you need a psychologist more than anything else. Wait for the results to arrive, be positive.
    I know someone who was overweight (110kg+) and he beat 2 types of cancer, started bodybuilding, medical school, steroids and he is now getting married. If he didn't give up as a dying whale why would you?
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  13. #13
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    That's it for me? C'mon man, I don't want to be harsh but I suggest you to cheek your pants, you are a MAN. Stop crying, you are so depressed that you need a psychologist more than anything else. Wait for the results to arrive, be positive.
    I know someone who was overweight (110kg+) and he beat 2 types of cancer, started bodybuilding, medical school, steroids and he is now getting married. If he didn't give up as a dying whale why would you?
    Yeah bro I'm going to work my ass off in physical therapy hopefully I'm back to lifting and training in a year. I just want my girl back it's killing me inside she's been treating me like shit ever since I admitted how much pain I was in.

  14. #14
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    Though your message may not be off base, let's be clear here.

    You were not using steroids . Even if the hgh was legit, it wasn't steroids, and the issues with it barely relate to AAS usage.
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  15. #15
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Yeah I should have labeled it differently. Anyway I am in some trouble now hopefully there's a way for me to fully recover

  16. #16
    recovery is offline New Member
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    I'm like 90% set on telling the doctors and physical therapist but would it be a bad idea?

  17. #17
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Gh is not steroids .

    Not saying it do notbhave risk but the risk betwen steroids and GH are totally different.

    Good luck with that though

  18. #18
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    I'm like 90% set on telling the doctors and physical therapist but would it be a bad idea?
    There is an array of medical conditions that can lead to your sides. Gh doesnt give headaches an pain in joints.
    It may give some mild pain in wrists and some numbness.

    If you tell the doctor, tell him you thought you were taking this supplement that you dont know exactly what it was.

  19. #19
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    Yeah bro I'm going to work my ass off in physical therapy hopefully I'm back to lifting and training in a year. I just want my girl back it's killing me inside she's been treating me like shit ever since I admitted how much pain I was in.
    Don't even talk to that whore again. She left you because you feel bad? She is a piece of ... you don't want to spend your life with. I was like you some time ago, ready to do anything for someone and she screwed me up in a way I couldn't believe, I had suicide thoughts and so on but the gym saved me. Anyway, it is another story but you should think about it, what type of person would just walk away if you get sick?...
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  20. #20
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    Don't even talk to that whore again. She left you because you feel bad? She is a piece of ... you don't want to spend your life with. I was like you some time ago, ready to do anything for someone and she screwed me up in a way I couldn't believe, I had suicide thoughts and so on but the gym saved me. Anyway, it is another story but you should think about it, what type of person would just walk away if you get sick?...
    Man I can't wait for this ****ing physical therapy to start so I can work towards getting better. Right now all I am doing is studying and studying and it's driving me nuts.

    Many people in my university lift and whenever they talk about it I get ****ing angry at what happened to me and why I can't participate in it.

    The depression is killing me inside and I know that the girl is going to ditch me soon but I still have feelings for her. You see I'm a short piece of shit at 5'8 and she is the only one who overlooked the height.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    Man I can't wait for this ****ing physical therapy to start so I can work towards getting better. Right now all I am doing is studying and studying and it's driving me nuts.

    Many people in my university lift and whenever they talk about it I get ****ing angry at what happened to me and why I can't participate in it.

    The depression is killing me inside and I know that the girl is going to ditch me soon but I still have feelings for her. You see I'm a short piece of shit at 5'8 and she is the only one who overlooked the height.
    You need to broaden your horizons, there's plenty of countries where 5'8'' is ok... even some where you are tall LOL

    You have your whole life ahead of you, relax... It will get better

  22. #22
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You need to broaden your horizons, there's plenty of countries where 5'8'' is ok... even some where you are tall LOL

    You have your whole life ahead of you, relax... It will get better
    I hope so all I can do is go to physical therapy now and hope things will get better. The goal is to get back to lifting in one year.

  23. #23
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    Im not going against your story because i have an 18 yr old i wouldnt want pinning ,butt i know lots that pinned in school that made kids ,,etcc ,, my case,i waited..

  24. #24
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like you should see a psychiatrist or somebody to talk to. you have some issues that you need to work out. Especially the depression. Getting that 'girl' back isn't going to help, she sounds toxic and is making your life worse for you.

    I've been dealing with daily back pain and joint pain since I was in my teens, that's life. My guess is you have all this pain from bad form and/or ego lifting. have you been stretching before and after working out? and warming up properly, etc? those play a huge factor, and injuries arise that can take a long time to heal.

    I wouldn't be stressing about the hgh causing all these problems, it was most likely fake

  25. #25
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    It was genotropin from astro labs. I'm going to admit what I did to my doctor and physical therapist and give it one last go with physical therapy. If it doesn't get better in a year or two that's it for me.
    I would avoid telling them unless its actually going to help you. if they are going to give you the same physio then i wouldent have it on file..
    sorry to hear... but dont act like all hope is lost. im in a huge amount of pain daily, even as i type this... it burns and hurts my back.. got bulging disks in back and back neck issues and related migraines, from car accident many years ago... Life you adjust too... and i still lift, I still have happy days...
    its your outlook that is the bigger issue here and can effect your happiness.., not the pain...
    it was stupid to use hormones at young age... but stop looking back at this point and move on and adapt, otherwise no one ould want to be around someone always pissy and complaining or worrying..
    and for all you know it is NOT hgh related and is a freaking growth spurt... your still developing man, just dont take anything else and give it a few years to finish growing

    god luck
    michael30, recovery, NACH3 and 2 others like this.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by recovery View Post
    Man I can't wait for this ****ing physical therapy to start so I can work towards getting better. Right now all I am doing is studying and studying and it's driving me nuts.

    Many people in my university lift and whenever they talk about it I get ****ing angry at what happened to me and why I can't participate in it.

    The depression is killing me inside and I know that the girl is going to ditch me soon but I still have feelings for her. You see I'm a short piece of shit at 5'8 and she is the only one who overlooked the height.
    DUDE.... I am 5' 8" and have always been surrounded by women.. i really only have like 40 girlfriends and maybe 3 guy friends... just dont really get along with men in general and I love women. my best friends are women...
    5'5" and less may b pushing it but 5' 8" is not short IMO and not big reason for women issues. its inner energy out put out and how you communicate.
    dont stress on the height man... and some places thats tall...
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  27. #27
    JG93 is offline New Member
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    Dont blame that on the HGH..... if it wasnt bad form, it was to much...
    which is unlikely on GH anyhow. Get some tests, surely you will figure it out... i seriously doubt the GH played a part.

    get all your tests done, after the results come back, if it isnt something else.... admit the usage as an accident.
    but why call it over before it really is...
    if you say anything about it, doctors are gonna pin it on that. let them do their job. if they cant, try helping a bit...
    Goodluck, Feel better.

    sounds like you need some Xanax.

  28. #28
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JG93 View Post
    Dont blame that on the HGH..... if it wasnt bad form, it was to much...
    which is unlikely on GH anyhow. Get some tests, surely you will figure it out... i seriously doubt the GH played a part.

    get all your tests done, after the results come back, if it isnt something else.... admit the usage as an accident.
    but why call it over before it really is...
    if you say anything about it, doctors are gonna pin it on that. let them do their job. if they cant, try helping a bit...
    Goodluck, Feel better.

    sounds like you need some Xanax.
    I highly rec kava kava over benzo. OP look into kava kava for anxiety if anything, pm me if got questions about that root I have researched it alot and have used it in past.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    I highly rec kava kava over benzo. OP look into kava kava for anxiety if anything, pm me if got questions about that root I have researched it alot and have used it in past.
    In bold - works well, is a natural sedative and has anesthetic properties... The name kava is Tongan/Marquesan... Hawaiian Kava kava - Ava/'Awa/yaqona/Sakau(other names) - the root comes from the plant species Piper(Piper methysticum) - mixed in water it's been used by Pacific Islanders for hundreds of yrs if not longer...

    You can get on Amazon too! Look up the legalities... I'm not sure - I know smuggling it from Hawaii is illegal lol

  30. #30
    dubrovin1012 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think that's from gh bro
    I had a similar problem but I knew exactly what and why i got it. . I was just starting off working out and was very ignorant. I was doing pull ups and on my last pull up my form was bad and I was holding in breath. Next thing I know I get sharp pain in my neck and through my whole head. For two weeks I was waking up with a nasty headache and had to go through the whole day with it. Finally saw a doctor and they prescribe medication that helped me the next day. I had a pinched nerve in my neck. I'm still having problems in my neck once in awhile and get those headaches but it's rare and usually if I massage my neck really hard I get relief.

    Sent from my samsung phone
    Last edited by dubrovin1012; 07-13-2015 at 04:40 PM.
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  31. #31
    michael30's Avatar
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    Op I have a question. Did your genotropin come in a Hgh pen? That you injected with? Google Pfizer genotropin. If this is the Hgh you used I got tmj extremely bad while on this Hgh (i also got headaches, but cant say for sure what caused them. I just lowered the dose drastically and it eventually went away. As far as the sides your stating you still have. I don't see how it could be Hgh this long after. It did take 1-2 weeks for mine to go away. But 2 months is a really long time. Because all that you wrote the issue seems to be more mental/depression. I've been depressed before when I had low T. I sounded excately like you. With everything in your life going down hill. I'm not sure what is causing your depression but until you figure it out. You need to realize this is just a bump in the road. I know you feel like your life is over. But its not. Once you get past this you will look back and feel silly and will be able to laugh at yourself. You need to keep your head up. Go see a Dr. Get bloodwork for your hormones.. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TELL YOUR DR YOU TOOK HGH. it will do no good. In all honesty I am 90% sure this has nothing to do with your Hgh use. Are you on any other medication, have you taken any supplements/prohormones your friends suggested? Do your best to stay positive!
    Last edited by michael30; 07-14-2015 at 01:16 AM.
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  32. #32
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    In bold - works well, is a natural sedative and has anesthetic properties... The name kava is Tongan/Marquesan... Hawaiian Kava kava - Ava/'Awa/yaqona/Sakau(other names) - the root comes from the plant species Piper(Piper methysticum) - mixed in water it's been used by Pacific Islanders for hundreds of yrs if not longer...

    You can get on Amazon too! Look up the legalities... I'm not sure - I know smuggling it from Hawaii is illegal lol
    there are a few places its illegal but most places that banned it a long time ago lifted ban and/or restricted it to personal use ( you can buy it overseas but cant sell it to people from a store if you happen to own one. a long time ago it started getting popular and people tried to make cheap profits and used whole plant to make pills and extracts and the leaves are hard on body... only supposed to take in the root ONLY, on top of stupid people downing a whole bottle of it to try "catch a buzz" lead to liver issues in some and political fire to others and it was banned. if you find anything on it being hard on liver look deeper and see its either whole plants used OR they dont even know and just did a study on people taking what ever they bought ( who knows what was in it) and doesnt really mean shit ( mind my words).

    i highly rec a place called: OR *for the root extract paste of 55%-85% kavalactones , the root powder is better at rex, but still ok from kona*

    ^ if the links are not allowed please edit, i assume its ok since noone sells this here as a sponsor

  33. #33
    WhiteBoy18's Avatar
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    Have you gotten blood work to see where you're at?

  34. #34
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    Op I have a question. Did your genotropin come in a Hgh pen? That you injected with? Google Pfizer genotropin. If this is the Hgh you used I got tmj extremely bad while on this Hgh (i also got headaches, but cant say for sure what caused them. I just lowered the dose drastically and it eventually went away. As far as the sides your stating you still have. I don't see how it could be Hgh this long after. It did take 1-2 weeks for mine to go away. But 2 months is a really long time. Because all that you wrote the issue seems to be more mental/depression. I've been depressed before when I had low T. I sounded excately like you. With everything in your life going down hill. I'm not sure what is causing your depression but until you figure it out. You need to realize this is just a bump in the road. I know you feel like your life is over. But its not. Once you get past this you will look back and feel silly and will be able to laugh at yourself. You need to keep your head up. Go see a Dr. Get bloodwork for your hormones.. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TELL YOUR DR YOU TOOK HGH. it will do no good. In all honesty I am 90% sure this has nothing to do with your Hgh use. Are you on any other medication, have you taken any supplements/prohormones your friends suggested? Do your best to stay positive!
    Yes it came with a pen. I was taking was too much 6-7ius a day but it wasn't for muscle I just wanted to be taller. Right now the tmj is much better but I'm still grinding my teeth at night which is aggravating it.

    I also have a bulging disc in my neck and I am going to physical therapy 5 days a week. For my neck knees and elbows. I didn't tell them about the hgh but I am working my ass off there. The people at the clinic are very helpful and knowledgeable. Thankfully I am getting better and the knee and elbow pain is almost gone. The main stubborn issue is the neck and the headaches.

    My girlfriend ended up dumping me as I expected. I know it is because I am now out of shape and don't have the same social value. I'm going to get my physique back and more.

    The last time I had my testosterone tested it was high and I have never had problems gaining muscle. But I need to get bloodwork again to see what's going on.

    Thanks for the support everyone. I am completely alone right now and think about suicide everyday but I'm going to fight through this and make it.
    Last edited by recovery; 07-22-2015 at 08:12 PM.

  35. #35
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    don't kill yourself over a girl bro think about it dats just dumb get your self together and get back in shape and you will find another 1 or 2 and use it as motivation

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    don't kill yourself over a girl bro think about it dats just dumb get your self together and get back in shape and you will find another 1 or 2 and use it as motivation
    It's mostly because I can't workout now not because of the girl. But I'll get better hopefully in another 3 months.

  37. #37
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    Just stick in there man and work at getting better and even at worst case you cant lift anymore then so what its not the end of the world their are other hobbies and you can still diet and get in shape that way and mabe throw in cardio of some kind
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  38. #38
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    Just stick in there man and work at getting better and even at worst case you cant lift anymore then so what its not the end of the world their are other hobbies and you can still diet and get in shape that way and mabe throw in cardio of some kind
    Thanks bro I'm just taking it one day at a time. I still have plenty of time to get jacked so even 6 months out of the gym wouldn't be a huge deal.

    Like you said also there are other hobbies. What I need to figure out is something that makes me happy besides lodging and sports.

  39. #39
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Also 5'8", and yes women usually prefer that stereotypical tall/dark/handsome. But I ended up with a smoking hot wife who also now lifts, and overall is an amazingly hard worker and motivated person and great mother.

    Women really don't like when men are babies, made that mistake, you know, crying in front of a girlfriend, she didn't leave me or anything at that point, but I decided never again. Toughen up around her if you have to. Improve yourself and if she does leave you, you can still find much better.

    And by improve yourself, I don't mean your physique, sure that's great. But yourself as a person, your ability to handle situations, and to stand on your own two feet, plus all the other things we can develop.
    Last edited by SEOINAGE; 07-23-2015 at 04:26 PM.
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  40. #40
    recovery is offline New Member
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    So I've had a month of physio and 3 months out of the gym. My neck, tmj and headaches are getting better. I can finally turn my head a little bit. Joints are still very stiff. I've been stretching twice a day in addition to the physical therapy. Is there anything I can take to speed up recovery?
    Last edited by recovery; 08-03-2015 at 12:34 PM.

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