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  1. #1
    earthling is offline New Member
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    Adex & Test Propionate dose

    Hi All,
    I have a couple of questions on Test P and Arimidex dose but first things first

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 230lbs 17% BF
    Training experience: Well over 10 years
    Cycle experience: first

    - Test P 100mg EOD W1-10
    - HCG 250ius twice a week W1-10
    - Arimidex 0.5mg EOD W1-8

    My questions are
    - How can I assess my Arimidex sweet spot? I'm afraid that 0.5mg EOD might be a little too high and is holding the gains. Libido was through the roof the first week I started. its still there but not as strong. The reason why I chose 0.5mg over 0.25 is because I'm above 15% BF so as to avoid any possible sides

    - Is 100mg EOD good enough or should I up the dose? If I need to increase the dose can I do it half way through since I started

  2. #2
    MisterRogers's Avatar
    MisterRogers is offline Junior Member
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    Only way to know for sure is blood work! I was higher bf on my first cycle .25 was good for me I was a little scared and uped it to .5 eod after mid bw as e2 was a tad high. I'm no expert but from what I'm told the more Experience the better we will know how to dial in e2. So blood work is key to know if your aim is on point

  3. #3
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    ^^ this! I'd also suggest .25mgs EOD as it's the standard starting dose(but you've gotta get pre/mid cycle bloods to compare your E2 together - then 8 wks after pct to see if you've recovered... or better Get your bf down via diet and cardio first - you'll have a much more successful cycle! Plus the lower your bf the better the growth window.

    Leave your dose as is... You'll never get a true reading on that dose/duration/frequency off your E2

  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Why are you stopping your adex at wk 8 ? Your AI should be run right up to pct starts.

    Start at .25 and get mid cycle bloods wk5 and see how your e2 is.

  5. #5
    earthling is offline New Member
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    wk 8 is a typo. I'll be running it all way through.
    I think I'll need to lower my dose to 0.25mg and get bloods wk5 and see how things are. I'm pretty sure my morning woods were more persistent during my first week (I started the first week at 0.25mg)

    What about the test dosage? should I up it to 150mg EoD? or is it going to negatively affect the blood levels stability?

    In case I increase it, how would you recommend pinning? for now I do glutes and quads so I get to pin each site once every week. If I up the dose (based on the gear I have), it will be 3ml per shot. Can those muscles, given that I have already pinned them for almost 3 weeks, handle 3ml?

  6. #6
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earthling View Post
    wk 8 is a typo. I'll be running it all way through.
    I think I'll need to lower my dose to 0.25mg and get bloods wk5 and see how things are. I'm pretty sure my morning woods were more persistent during my first week (I started the first week at 0.25mg)

    What about the test dosage? should I up it to 150mg EoD? or is it going to negatively affect the blood levels stability?

    In case I increase it, how would you recommend pinning? for now I do glutes and quads so I get to pin each site once every week. If I up the dose (based on the gear I have), it will be 3ml per shot. Can those muscles, given that I have already pinned them for almost 3 weeks, handle 3ml?
    No... As long as your pinning EOD at minimum your blood levels will be fine!

    Your glutes are your biggest muscle(holds and absorbs the most oil) - if your going EOD have another site(delts) to pin... Glutes can hold a lot of oil(if quads are ok for you they hold a good amount of oil! I wouldn't do more than 3ml in your delt or (less for first time - make sure your relaxed)...

  7. #7
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by earthling View Post
    wk 8 is a typo. I'll be running it all way through.
    I think I'll need to lower my dose to 0.25mg and get bloods wk5 and see how things are. I'm pretty sure my morning woods were more persistent during my first week (I started the first week at 0.25mg)

    What about the test dosage? should I up it to 150mg EoD? or is it going to negatively affect the blood levels stability?

    In case I increase it, how would you recommend pinning? for now I do glutes and quads so I get to pin each site once every week. If I up the dose (based on the gear I have), it will be 3ml per shot. Can those muscles, given that I have already pinned them for almost 3 weeks, handle 3ml?
    Typo sound. Yes stay with eod and i would add 1 or 2 more sites let us know how the blood work turns out.

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