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Thread: why is steroids at a young age that bad?

  1. #1
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    why is steroids at a young age that bad?

    i mean whats so bad about trt? do steroids cause other issues too at a young age besides trt?

  2. #2
    Mountainman360 is offline Associate Member
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    Can't... comprehend...... Aghhhhh!

  3. #3
    djgreen's Avatar
    djgreen is offline Senior Member
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    read the article about the young and steroids on here

  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Have a read at this.

    The young and Steroids

  5. #5
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    i mean whats so bad about trt? do steroids cause other issues too at a young age besides trt?
    It depends on what you consider bad. If you don't mind depression, loss of interest in sex, constant fatigue, erectile dysfunction and constantly feeling like shit, then maybe it's not such a big deal.

    The forum is full of posts by kids who took steroids and are now dealing with the consequences. Sometimes they recover, sometimes they don't. No way to know whether you will be one of the ones who draws the short straw.

    There are many threads by others who didn't think that taking steroids while their bodies were still developing was a big deal:

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  6. #6
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    i mean whats so bad about trt? do steroids cause other issues too at a young age besides trt?
    do steroids cause anything else besides testosterone replacement therapy?

    im guessing your english isnt strong, but yes steroid use at a young age can bring low natural levels after abuse- you may recover- but generally your body will try to scale back receptors to handle the high amounts of test in your system.

    it does this to find a homeostasis.When you get off steroids- you will find you will not feel as good as you did before- it may be subtle and could take months to make a full recovery or not a full recovery at all. Some dont feel a difference ( or notice it)

    it is advised to start after your endocrine system has matured so you are able to grow receptors and other associated functions nessasary to develop naturally- after all you spend most of your life in a natural state.

    Taking steroids young disrupts your development of these functions and you end up dificient. thereby possibly requiring trt to take up the slack ( trt is for life-2 injections a week)

    more than likely your dr will not prescribe trt because you are too young and not low enough - but the effects of abuse will be bourne out with lower than natural levels until you become low legally around age 40+ wereby trt is a viable option.

    eat steak- drink milk.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Everyone is different what you think is bad others do not. Everyone takes there own risk assessment. Im on trt and i like it(test levels of a 19 year old forever whats not to like?)Where i see posts that other people hate it. Its all relative. Ive been getting really bad joint pain and ed and my heart has been feeling weird lately. i contribute these changes in my body to my don't fear the reaper lifestyle. cialis and decca subdue those sides but im not sure what to take to make my chest feel better. I don't advise steroid use to young people because i have seen its effect in me but everyone is responsible to make there own decisions and i respect that.

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