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  1. #1
    Faacus is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Hcg during cycle questions

    I have some questions about mixing hcg . I have a vial of 2000 IU hCG. I want to use 0.8 ml water bac. 2000 iu / ml. 0.1 ml = 250 ui. I can inject 0.1 ml? It is a little water? Another question: my hcg powder is like a ball. Not like sand. It's good? I have to keep refrigerated after bac mixed with water or should I keep hcg powder in the refrigerator ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    your math is good.
    0.1ml is a small amount of liquid.
    you could just mix it with 1.6ml of BAC water and then inject 0.2ml instead.
    The hCG in a ball is fine IMHO.
    Once mixed with BAC water it should be refrigerated. It will last longer this way.
    If the hCG is not mixed with BAC water then it doesn't need to be refrigerated.

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