My first cycle was at 26 years old. Test/deca /dbol . Anyway, I cycled quite a bit and stopped everything for almost 7 years. I recently started a testosterone cycle of 350mg per week, which will go on for a long time due to needing TRT ( i recently was tested and my natural testosterone is very low and would qualify for TRT, but if i'm going to run TRT i'd rather just run a high TRT. If know this is very high but i'll just lower it if I have issued on bloods of BP.

My point is that I feel 7 years should have made me a virgin, like my first time. However, it feels nothing like my first time...mental or physical. Sure my weight has gone up, my lifts are up, but I had a certain superbeast/hotterthanshit feeling on my first cycle...anyone know what I mean?

It could also be the lack of an oral and deca, but i'm just wondering if anyone feels the you can't get your first cycle feeling back