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Thread: 10 Week Cycle. Tren E 800mg/w and Test E 200mg/w

  1. #1
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    10 Week Cycle. Tren E 800mg/w and Test E 200mg/w

    Alright to start off I havent posted here for a while. I used to post all my cycles a few years ago but i had a bad shoulder injury and had to stop juicing and working out for a year. Anyways, after my surgery I managed to gain back a lot of my muscle naturally in about a year and a half. About 6 months ago i ran a short 8 week Tren A/Test Prop cycle and managed to not only get back to my max lifts but also lean out a lot.

    I'm in love with Tren mainly due to the fact that it changes my physical appearance more than any other steroid . At the end of that last tren cycle I looked the best I've ever looked and ran the tren at 350mg/w with Test P at 350/w. I virtually had no side effects and thats why i believe i can handle tren at this dose, especially with low test.

    6 or 7 with 2 being Tren cycles

    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 195 lbs
    Body Fat: 11%
    Bench: 305
    Deadlift: 495

    Proposed Cycle:

    Week 1-9 Tren E 800mg/w
    Week 1-10 Test E 200mg/w
    Week 1-12 HCG 500iu 2x/w
    Week 1-12 Prami adjusting accordingly
    Week 1-12 Adex 0.5mg E3D

    Week 13-18 Nolva 20mg/d
    Week 13-16 Clomid 150/100/75/50
    Week 13-16 Aromasin 5mg/d

    My goal is to recomp. I have an ectomorph build which makes this cycle perfect for me since I'm looking to lean out as much as possible and gain a decent amount of muscle. I'm hoping to get down to 7% body fat while maintaining my body weight or even gaining 5 to 10 lbs.

    Any advice is welcome guys! I'll post some before pics up soon and will post progress pics every couple weeks. I'll also keep you guys updated on results, strength gains, side effects, ect.
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  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    I'll get this moved to Q&A for more responses.

  3. #3
    aspire-power is offline New Member
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    Jesus that's alot of Tren .. Your game, how do you find the sides from Tren ??
    I had run around that much previously and fell to Tren dick ect ... But love the cycle tho !
    Very interested to see how your gains go ... Keep us posted !

  4. #4
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Well a buddy of mine has ran this same cycle with insane results and very minimal side effects. I didnt get very many sides from my last two tren cycles so i think i will be able to handle this (i hope). Tren E will create more stable blood levels which will reduce sides and low test will also reduce sides so I'm not to worried. I'm guessing my strength is going to go through the roof and my recomp will be insane.

    As far as tren dick goes, i don't seem to have a problem as long as i'm taking a prolactin inhibitor such as prami which also works very well as a sleep aid! I also take cialis year round at 5mg/d for BPH

    Thanks for the reply aspire. How were night sweats for you when you ran it this high? Also how much test were you running?

  5. #5
    aspire-power is offline New Member
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    Well worth it I'm about 600 tren e a week now with 250 Test feels good and solid anxiety upped a tiny bit but I feel stable and like a hoarse ... Personally I rekon go for it just be safe . I was about 1.2g Tren e ew with 250test e so can probably see why I shut down but felt like a god on it ? I really wanted to see what I could do and where my limit is and I hit it lol

    Night sweats were horrible and had major nightmares .. But you get through it mate like I said was well worth it I felt but each to there own

  6. #6
    Splifton's Avatar
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    I couldn't imagine the amount of neurotoxicity you're subjecting hippocampal neurons to.... 17β-trenbolone has been observed to proliferate the accretion of Aβ42. [1] This peptide can potentiate oxidative stress occuring to our neuronal transmission function e.g degradation to the brain's catecholaminergic and serotoninergic systems.

    Amyloid beta-42 (Aβ42) peptides are recognized markers in calculating the extent at which some notable neurodegenerative diseases have progressed. I'm not saying you take tren you become senile old man, but practicing moderation didn't hurt anyone...

    [1] 17β-trenbolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid as well as an environmental hormone, contributes to neurodegeneration. - PubMed - NCBI

  7. #7
    aspire-power is offline New Member
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    anyway ignore this bloke ^^^ but keep us updated with your results

  8. #8
    Splifton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aspire-power View Post
    anyway ignore this bloke ^^^ but keep us updated with your results
    I was just offering a little bit of personal insight on the possibility of detrimental consequences that result from extreme supraphysiological quantities of AAS. I wasn't dictating whether his ideology for setting up his protocol is right or wrong and I can say with certainty that he has more experience under his belt with hands on activites in comparison to myself. Obviously this board as I've begun to notice is remarkably more aggressive with their dosages, but nonetheless there is a genuine effort among respectable members to promote the necessity of harm reduction.

    My apologies for the little bit of constructive thought unlike your blatantly illiterate splurge of bigotry. I'll stop here as I've already fell victim to your antagonistic trolling remarks.

    In reality though I really can't see any possible benefit to dosages that are really astronomical in nature. I can't completely validate my theory yet on a possible potential limiting threshold in regards to binding affinity of androgens once you encounter a specific dose, but I've identified some scientific literature alluding to this possibility. I may not post the most helpful thoughts, but at least I can rest in assurance knowing that I don't funnel ludicrous conjectures....

    I was about 1.2g Tren e ew with 250test e
    Hmmmm.. I would say this sums it up.
    Last edited by Splifton; 10-09-2015 at 03:57 PM.

  9. #9
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    I appreciate the replies fellas. I understand that tren can cause some serious physiological and psychological damage if not done properly and that is why I'm going to keep a close eye on the way i feel. I never had any "tren rage" or extreme aggression with my last two cycles.It's probably due to the fact that I'm a really nice and mellow person. E

    Again thanks for the replies and im glad tren e at 600/w isnt causing you to many problems so im hoping my 800 a week will be the same way for me. Ill be starting in 2 to 3 weeks.

  10. #10
    aspire-power is offline New Member
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    you sound like your on the right path I do apologise for above didn't mean to sound so nasty . You are correct Tren is definitely one to be careful with ..thanks for the advice for everyone to read. 800mg I found was on that threshold of been amazing but sides were still controllable . Get regular bloods keep your system and self in check and adjust accordingly

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    If the best you ever looked was with 350 test and 350 tren , why not do that again?

    Why the massive leap in your tren dose?
    Whatever happened to grow into your cycles?
    You're 6'2" and 195lbs, I seriously think 800mg of tren is overkill.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-09-2015 at 06:25 PM.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    If the best you ever looked was with 350 test and 350 tren , why not do that again.

    Why the massive leap in your tren dose?
    Whatever happened to grow into your cycles?
    You're 6'2" and 195lbs, I seriously think 800mg of tren is overkill.
    Overkill... That's just not smart... Because your friend handled it w/minimal sides why would you think it's going to be the same?? Using AAS is very individual - what works for some doesn't work to well for others... And more than doubling your tren dose isn't necessarily going to lead to better results - your nutrition/training/recovery will dictate this!

    Btw - tren dick/deca dick it's all a myth - you control your E2 your PRO shouldn't follow(unless elevated pre-cycle and remains or gets worse) that's where prami comes into play - controlling PRO therefore if E2(your first line of defense) is in range you shouldn't have probs downstairs
    Last edited by NACH3; 10-09-2015 at 04:26 PM.

  13. #13
    aspire-power is offline New Member
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    Start at your 350mg mark and see how you go add more into the mix regular tests and keeping track and go from there

  14. #14
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the replies and i believe you're right, 800mg/w might be a tad bit high so I think I'll go with 600mg/w instead and if towards the end of the cycle I'm managing side effect okay I may up it to 800 for the last couple of weeks. I'm new to the high Tren low Test approach and thats why i was unsure on how much tren i should actually be running. Either way this is why i post up my cycles ahead of time.

    So anyways my new cycle is weeks 1-10 Tren E at 600mg/w with Test E at 200mg/w. This is still a decent amount higher than my 350mg/w of tren ace that i ran but I'm running with low test so i believe i will get a good bang for my buck at this dose.

    One last question, should I throw in a kick start? I'm going for recomp so dbol and anadrol is out of the question but i believe 4 weeks of anavar at 80mg/d might be a good kick start to this cycle and maybe running it for another 3 weeks after my last pins while the esters are leaving my system. Any thought?

  15. #15
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Why not drol(it's synergistic effect w/tren is amazing)... Ever pulse an oral?? The best way to just gain gain gain w/out the sides!

    Plus one can cut on any compound out there- var ips great too - it's your nutrition and training that dictates your results! I don't think you eat nearly enough at 6'2" 195 and 6-7 cycles 2 w/tren?? Something is off - your diet or your training - everyone thinks they eat enough for growth(it's tough) - I'm sure w/those stats your still well built! Just no need for that much tren imho - train harder.... Eat bigger!

  16. #16
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Why not drol(it's synergistic effect w/tren is amazing)... Ever pulse an oral?? The best way to just gain gain gain w/out the sides!

    Plus one can cut on any compound out there- var ips great too - it's your nutrition and training that dictates your results! I don't think you eat nearly enough at 6'2" 195 and 6-7 cycles 2 w/tren?? Something is off - your diet or your training - everyone thinks they eat enough for growth(it's tough) - I'm sure w/those stats your still well built! Just no need for that much tren imho - train harder.... Eat bigger!
    My diet and training is on par but I dont care about size anymore. I'm strictly looking to build a good physique such as lazar angelov. Back at my biggest I was 230 so I can definitely get big if I wanted to but now I don't even want to be heavier than 215.

    Also you are correct, I should have better stats with 6-7 cycles under my belt but as I stated in my original post i suffered a bad shoulder injury and had to take a year off of lifting. My current stats are from lifting for a year and a half since recovering from my injury and I have only done one cycle since my recovery.

    Sorry if I'm coming off as a dick with this reply! It's not intentional, I just wanted to clear things up. My last question is how would you pulse drol? 100mg/d for 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off? I'm concerned that drol is going to give me some crazy bloat and might mess up my recomp.

  17. #17
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Alright Im about to start this cycle and decided I'm going to run the tren E at 500mg/w. If by week 5 i can handle the side effects i may up it to 600mg/w. Can you move this back to the cycle log section? I'm going to give a detailed log on my results with before and after pics. Also I decided I will run dbol for the first 4 weeks at 40mg/d. I'm currently at 9% body fat. I managed to drop some fat during the past couple weeks so its okay if i gain a little during the dbol phase. I lose fat easily so im sure i will be able to get down to 7-8% body fat while recomping.

  18. #18
    mastablasta7 is offline Associate Member
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    Also one last question. Is running raloxifene with tren okay? I plan on running it all cycle to not only prevent gyno but try to reverse some gyno ive had for a couple years. I know nolva can amplify prolactin gyno while on tren so i want to make sure ralox doesnt do the same.

  19. #19
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mastablasta7 View Post
    Can you move this back to the cycle log section? I'm going to give a detailed log on my results with before and after pics
    Might be worth starting a new thread there as the title to this one will be misleading given your new tren doses and added oral. You can always link back to this thread to show the discussion that went on here that influenced your current cycle plan. Just a thought.

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