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Thread: Any tips to help get rip of the injection pain?

  1. #1
    Ryanfox is offline New Member
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    Sep 2015

    Any tips to help get rip of the injection pain?

    Hi guys, I just started my first cycle with test 250mg twice weekly. The first two weeks I didn't really feel painful or sore after injection. But I started to feel extremely painful about three days after injection on the third week. There is no heat or redness at the injection site, so I think injection reaction is the most likely. And I can't get rip of the pain by heat pad or heat/ice alternate. I can feel some lump or swollen muscle underneath. I did search some tips to prevent from the pain. But I'm wonder if something like muscle soreness cream or sport injury patch will work for this. Sometimes it really makes me anxious and can't even walk or sleep normally. It has been painful over one week though slightly better day after day. Please let me know any suggestion to deal with the pain if it happens. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Ryanfox is offline New Member
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    Sorry I forgot to mention that I injected on my gluteus for the first three weeks, and change to quadricep after my butt got swollen. 25g 1inch needle. But it also started to be quite sore the third day on my leg.
    Last edited by Ryanfox; 10-19-2015 at 02:50 AM.

  3. #3
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    You using test enth? Its quite unusual to experience so much pain for days with Test E

    All Test E i have used has been a little bit tender for like 12-24hours at the most, and when i say tender i mean u can feel a little bit pain but nothing to complain about

    I wonder if your gear could be dirty

  4. #4
    Ryanfox is offline New Member
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    I'm using testrviron, Bayer. And comes from each ample. And I also wipe with alcohol before injection. I'm wondering if my body is too sensitive, but I do feel quite sore.

  5. #5
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    to try and prevent this, after you inject try massaging the injection site lightly to help disperse the oil.

    As for the pain you have now gently massage and apply heat, will just be a case of having to put up with it.

  6. #6
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    I use the same test and 25g needles and experience very little PIP from it. I'd suggest your injection technique might need some work.

    Try not to move the needle once it is inserted, I find that if I can find a position that supports my injecting arm at the elbow vastly reduces any shaking on my hand. For example, for quads, I sit in a chair that has arm supports on it and once I have the needle inserted I rest my arm on the arm rest, there is virtually no movement of the needle this way.

    Also ensure you do not move or flex the muscle that you're injecting into, keep your leg completely relaxed and motionless.

    Another tip would be to slow down the rate at which you inject the test, I take around 60-80 seconds to inject one amp of the testoviron . I push about 0.2ml then count to 12 then push another 0.2ml and count until it all done.
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  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    If its real testoviron it should be smooth as silk.

    Almost no pip.
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  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    just to be clear are you injecting into the same glute and delt multiple times before switching it up or are you rotating sites? it sounds as though you are injecting the same glute over and over again...if that's the case then the area will develop sensitivity and then scar tissue over time that can be painful...just asking because its not quite clear in your original post...

  9. #9
    Ryanfox is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advices. I tried to go through all the steps in my head. I think I did all the important things to prevent from the PIP as you guys mention.

    I inject slowly and let the needle stay for over 20secs, press for a while to stop bleeding and rub the area afterward.

    But maybe I did the last part incorrectly as I think since it's irritating, I should rub the area just like I'm doing a deep muscle massage to make it disperse better. I rubbed quite hard. I suspect this might be the main reason? I will try to rub gently next time and see if it will be better.

    One last question you guys might have missed, I'm gonna put on some muscle injury ointment on the area since heat doesn't help.would it counter interact the effect of steroid ? Thanks again.

  10. #10
    R8junkie's Avatar
    R8junkie is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanfox
    Hi guys, I just started my first cycle with test 250mg twice weekly. The first two weeks I didn't really feel painful or sore after injection. But I started to feel extremely painful about three days after injection on the third week. There is no heat or redness at the injection site, so I think injection reaction is the most likely. And I can't get rip of the pain by heat pad or heat/ice alternate. I can feel some lump or swollen muscle underneath. I did search some tips to prevent from the pain. But I'm wonder if something like muscle soreness cream or sport injury patch will work for this. Sometimes it really makes me anxious and can't even walk or sleep normally. It has been painful over one week though slightly better day after day. Please let me know any suggestion to deal with the pain if it happens. Thanks.
    I would suggest a few other tricks on top of the rest of the great advice you've been given. Try to do some light stretches before you inject. I find it's best when I take a nice hot shower or bath to loosen everything up, I usually don't feel much of the injection and very little soreness afterwards. Also, try to really improve your technique when it comes to needle control. If you let the bevel of the needle wiggle around while you're injecting, you're going to feel sore. Another I do is pull the skin tight with my thumb where I am injecting. Just keep relaxed and take your time so you are getting the best possible injection.
    Happy Pinning

  11. #11
    cttoasn's Avatar
    cttoasn is offline Associate Member
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    My first cycle I hit the quads from the get go. Virgin muscle is most susceptible to pip, and quads seem to be the worst.

    After the initial pins, I stopped getting pip. Then after 6-7 weeks of only hitting my quads I got pip again.

    I incorporated delts into the rotation and love it. Even though it's harder to get a stable, non shaky pin...I never get pip in the delts.

    Even now on a prop cycle, the knot is more noticeable in the quads and almost non existent in the delts.

    Shaky technique, quads and virgin muscles probably. Try throwing delts into your rotation.

  12. #12
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    It's just virgin muscle and technique. I use to be just shaking like crazy and had pip for days. Once you get over the fear and relax it will get much better.
    For me, rubbing it makes it worse. I picked that up from somebody here.
    You'll get use to it after awhile and your technique will be much better.
    Hey, nobody said this was going to be easy!

  13. #13
    Ryanfox is offline New Member
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    Hi guys, thanks for all the tips. Just wanna update my experience. I found the problem is rubbing. I tried a few times from rubbing gently to not rubbing at all. Now I just compress for a while to prevent from bleeding and never rub afterward, feel a lot better, slightly sore but bearable.

  14. #14
    rGus is offline Junior Member
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    It's your gear that cause soreness. I use test cyp 250 and it doesn't matter if I massage it or not, if I inject fast or slow, it never hurts.

    Now if I would inject test e 400, my shit is going to hurt for the next 3 days.

    Sent from my samsung phone

  15. #15
    max738 is offline Junior Member
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    you could try and dilute with bac oil in a 1 to 1 ratio that's what I do with my 250 test c and no more pip since I started doing it

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