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Thread: Advice on blood work returning to baseline

  1. #1
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    Advice on blood work returning to baseline

    33 year old male...diagnosed 2 years ago with lowT

    Decided to start cycling

    Finished last cycle in August, PCT everything went well

    Sept 28th doc does labs test is 73 as expected, doc wants to start Tetosterone replacement therapy(still haven't started anything)

    2 weeks later 2nd labs and test is 280???
    Doc keeps asking if I'm taking test(which I'm not) I say no so she's confused about the +200 spike as am I but she says she's going to go ahead and start me on the therapy and writes my script.

    So I go ahead and start a small cycle first pin Monday .5 test-P .5 Tren A 1cc decca(wont be running throughout just to help with a shoulder injury)

    Wednesday doc calls and tells me she wants one more lab before starting me on TRT

    My question is how long after that one pin will my test go back to baseline levels Pre-pin or would that one shot have even made a difference?

    I'd like my doc to treat my normal test and not my on cycle test.
    Last edited by Bigboy190; 10-24-2015 at 05:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    It depends on the ester. The half life of Test Prop is 3 days. Three days after injection the concentration of Test in your body goes down by 50%. The half life of the Enth ester is about 14 days. You can do a quick calculation on the concentration of Test in your system based on the ester.

  3. #3
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    I totally understand that, that doesn't answer the question, unless your stating that my test levels will be back to pre cycle baseline levels once the ester is out of my system?

    So again my question isn't about Esther range it's about the effect the Esther has on my test levels raising and how long before they return to normal

  4. #4
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy190
    I totally understand that, that doesn't answer the question, unless your stating that my test levels will be back to pre cycle baseline levels once the ester is out of my system? So again my question isn't about Esther range it's about the effect the Esther has on my test levels raising and how long before they return to normal
    The prop will be mostly out of your system in about 9 days.
    The tren A and deca will crash your natural producrtion with one shot IMHO.

    Thus, about 9 days after your shot you will read lower than your last test. You could easily be below 100 on total test.
    If your doctor has any clue and/or tests for LH and FSH then your doctor should now that you were using.

  5. #5
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    Awesome man this is exactly what I needed, actually the doc did test T3 T4 FSH LH and all of the above and told me everything was normal except the test. Remember prior to first and second labs I had been off for 2 months. Now she wants a 3rd lab and I pinned one time on Monday so I just want to know my levels are consistent pre pin readings.

  6. #6
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    Can anyone tell why my levels went from 73 to 280 in just two weeks?

  7. #7
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    Certain foods tend to help the production of natural Test. There are articles all over the internet. I wonder if you ate something awesome.
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  8. #8
    Strongblood's Avatar
    Strongblood is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy190
    Awesome man this is exactly what I needed, actually the doc did test T3 T4 FSH LH and all of the above and told me everything was normal except the test. Remember prior to first and second labs I had been off for 2 months. Now she wants a 3rd lab and I pinned one time on Monday so I just want to know my levels are consistent pre pin readings.
    When does she want you to come in for your 3rd BW?

  9. #9
    bethdoth's Avatar
    bethdoth is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Time of day that the blood was drawn can also have some impact...test is higher in the morning. So it could be a combination of things...maybe your normal production after cycle just started to come back fully?

  10. #10
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    Originally she had said this week so I was planning on it being Friday that way Test-p would mostly have been gone and levels dropping down but then I got s call today and she said that her referral for TRT go rejected because I was above 250 on my second test and I need to score two times below 250 so she said she wanted to redo the entire process in a month, with that I said no thanks I'll figure it out on my own!

  11. #11
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    Yes I agree that's the only explanation never thought though it would be so rapid.

  12. #12
    Bigboy190 is offline New Member
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    Oh and both labs were at 9am so no difference there.

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