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Thread: Test Cycles

  1. #1
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
    yardbirdaj is offline Junior Member
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    Test Cycles

    This question is for some of the more experienced vets. How many Test only Cycles would you say I could run before I would need to start adding other compounds?
    The reason why I'm asking is I finished my first Test only cycle a couple months ago. I plan on running another one in about 6 months. I would like to stick to Test only cycles as long as possible before I move to other compounds. Also, im 33 and and trained many years naturally before I ventured to the dark side. I also kept most of my gains and strength from my first cycle so far. I put on a good solid 10 lbs.
    Height: 5' 7"
    BF: 15-20% ( I still look pretty lean even though I'm off cycle)
    Weight: 200-203
    Goals: to be strong as hell and lean and mean with the body of a Greek god.

  2. #2
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
    yardbirdaj is offline Junior Member
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    Also I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder by any means. I'm just a blue collar middle class American with a passion for iron.I train hard 5-6 days a week. I mix my training up between strongman, powerlifting, bodybuilding. And a shitload of pull-ups. I eat as clean as possible, high protein complex carbs, good fats. Fast carbs after my workout.

  3. #3
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by yardbirdaj View Post
    This question is for some of the more experienced vets. How many Test only Cycles would you say I could run before I would need to start adding other compounds?
    The reason why I'm asking is I finished my first Test only cycle a couple months ago. I plan on running another one in about 6 months. I would like to stick to Test only cycles as long as possible before I move to other compounds. Also, im 33 and and trained many years naturally before I ventured to the dark side. I also kept most of my gains and strength from my first cycle so far. I put on a good solid 10 lbs.
    Height: 5' 7"
    BF: 15-20% ( I still look pretty lean even though I'm off cycle)
    Weight: 200-203
    Goals: to be strong as hell and lean and mean with the body of a Greek god.
    Imo, if your getting the gains your after w/test go as long as you can - some advanced users still prefer test over anything else! Id say until your not reaching your goals or desired objectives than up it by about 15-20% and see how that goes... We as males need test - therefore, IMHO test is king! Plus it's needed in all cycles as your base compound for when you do add in another compound! GL YBJ!

  4. #4
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Theres no set amount, every user will vary in terms of results from test only cycles, its impossible to say.

    Like Nach said, if Test only keeps doing the job for you, then keep using the test

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I've been cycling for a long time and I still get pretty good results from Test only cycles. This is what I've experienced. 1) Test only cycles gets me bigger and stronger. PCT recovery is good with little to no after effects 90 days after PCT 2) Test + nor19 like Tren , about the same size as Test only, maybe a few lbs heavier, but I gain a lot more strength, get more cut. PCT is recovery is harder. Have experience anorgasmia up to 6 months after PCT. By this time, I'm back to looking like my Test only cycle. For the long term, Test only cycle is the best IMO.

  6. #6
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
    yardbirdaj is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    I've been cycling for a long time and I still get pretty good results from Test only cycles. This is what I've experienced. 1) Test only cycles gets me bigger and stronger. PCT recovery is good with little to no after effects 90 days after PCT 2) Test + nor19 like Tren, about the same size as Test only, maybe a few lbs heavier, but I gain a lot more strength, get more cut. PCT is recovery is harder. Have experience anorgasmia up to 6 months after PCT. By this time, I'm back to looking like my Test only cycle. For the long term, Test only cycle is the best IMO.
    Yea 19nors scare the shit out of me from what I've heard. I don't think I would be ready for any thing like Tren until I'm in my 50s and on TRT.

  7. #7
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    The less compounds you can put in your body and see progress and be satisfied , the better.

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