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Thread: Lost 17 kilos after Deca/Tren Test Prop Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    This sounds really crazy but I lost 15 kilos after I put on a solid mass after a really bad Diarrhea Episode which lasted for 3 weeks. Took antibiotics to fix my throat infection and it reacted really bad. Started with mild diarrhea but continued getting worse. 6-7 time I have to go to the toilet. IT was so bad that in the last week it started bleeding because my rectum had an inflammation and I was so scared to eat anything as I have to go to toilet after having anything. Not even a rice cracker will stay in the stomach. So I stopped eating anything for 3 days. Later I was dehydrated so badly that I was admitted to the hospital. Took 3 days there to recover on Fluids. Doctors could not find anything in my Blood or in Stool. No bacterial infection(took 2 samples of Blood an stool).

    Age 35

    I was on the following cycle:

    1 - 4 weeks Test Prop 100 mg EOD + Deca 200 mg a week (for joint issue I had)
    5 - 8 week Tren Enanthate 100 mg (50 mg x2 )
    1-12 weeks Test Enanthate 500 mg/week
    4-10 week HCG 500iu (250iu x2) /week

    in the 14th week I had this antibiotic reaction and it got worse.

    I was going to start PCT 3 weeks after the last shot but I was wasted with the diarrhea. It took me 1 month to just start eating and before that I was on some herbal medicine as the doctors told me that it is an IBS. I do not have IBS and can eat anything now except hot spicy food, Beef/Steak of any type and few other food like too much of Fish , Prawns and Salmon.

    I started PCT after 8 weeks. At that time I still had upset stomach but I wanted to make sure that I do not stuff up my hormone levels.

    I did PCT of :

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    3 weeks after PCT I did a Bloodwork and it came up as :

    FSH : 1.8 IU/L(1.5-9.7)
    LH : 7.6 IU/L(1.8-9.2
    Prolactin : 299 mIU/L(90-400)
    Oestradiol : 118 pmol/L(<160)
    Testo : 36.7 (high) nmol/L(9.9-27.8)
    SHBG : 88 (high) nmol/L(17-56)
    Free Test : 454 pmol/L(170-670)
    DHEA 5.2 umol/L(2.4-15.8)

    I know I should have given it atleast 8 weeks time but I was worried so got them done.

    7 weeks (10 weeks after the PCT) after the above blood test I had another test blood test which came up as :

    FSH : 1.5 IU/L(1.5-9.7)
    LH : 2.7 IU/L(1.8-9.2)
    Prolactin : 307 mIU/L(90-400)
    Oestradiol : 100 pmol/L(<160)
    Testo : 20.6 nmol/L(9.9-27.8)
    SHBG : 55 nmol/L(17-56)
    Free Test : 332 pmol/L(170-670)
    DHEA 5.2 (same as previous) umol/L(2.4-15.8)

    The Prolactin level is on the high side and I do not have any kind of libido at all.
    LH and FSH are low and my sperm is like 50% less thicker that it was before cycle.

    I know the 19 nors are the reasons behind the low FSH and high Prolactin (correct me if I am wrong). Just wanted to know how long it usually takes the levels to get back to normal. Or Do I have to do another PCT ?
    I donot know what should be the optimal levels of the above at my age, might have to research about it.

    I have caber, arimidex , Nolva and Clomid with me.
    As my bloodtests are completed I am going to take ZMA, Glutamine,Vitamin D, A, b6, vitamin E along with vitamin B-complex injection fortnightly.

    I have researched and found that Deca can stay in the system causing FSH and Prolactin issues

    I was 89 kilos (196 lbs) with 10% bodyfat and after the diarrhea I went down to 71.5 kilos (157 lbs)

    I have started lifting again and have been putting on weight very Slowly. Looked like a frickin skeleton before and could not even walk for more that 4 mins. I was not going o jump on the cycle as I was pretty good without it but was going to jump in a BB contest in like 8 months. It was just my bad luck and cannot blame.

    Your feedback will be much appreciated.

    Last edited by bladerunner9; 10-28-2015 at 05:49 AM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    One thing i will say is your cycle was very poor,

    You ran prop at 150mg eod and deca 200mg for 4 weeks
    then went to test e at week 4 which would have took 2-4 weeks to fully get going leaving you with a big gap with low test!

    If you cycle again id do more research and put your proposed cycle in this sub forum for critique.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    One thing i will say is your cycle was very poor,

    You ran prop at 150mg eod and deca 200mg for 4 weeks
    then went to test e at week 4 which would have took 2-4 weeks to fully get going leaving you with a big gap with low test!

    If you cycle again id do more research and put your proposed cycle in this sub forum for critique.

    Test E started with Test P 100mg from the beginning. ( Apologies , my eyes are just shutting down with sleep)

    Just edited the post.
    Last edited by bladerunner9; 10-28-2015 at 05:50 AM.
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  4. #4
    KBall32's Avatar
    KBall32 is offline Junior Member
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    At this point I think you just need a bit more time. You can start Caber at .25 twice a week, and that will probably help with your libido, but honestly give it more time and things should return to normal. As far as your LH and FSH, I will defer to others with more experience.

  5. #5
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    One thing i will say is your cycle was very poor,

    You ran prop at 150mg eod and deca 200mg for 4 weeks
    then went to test e at week 4 which would have took 2-4 weeks to fully get going leaving you with a big gap with low test!

    If you cycle again id do more research and put your proposed cycle in this sub forum for critique.
    Completely false. Even if one did run test prop for 4 weeks. Stopped and started test e . its working the moment you inject. (24_48)hrs to peak in blood serum level . So no. He would not have had a period where he had low test because he was consistently injecting testosterone regardless of the bro science ester transition. And it does not take 2_4 weeks to get going lo . 2_4 weeks to saturate the muscle and fill out with water hence seeing the scales move

  6. #6
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Completely false. Even if one did run test prop for 4 weeks. Stopped and started test e . its working the moment you inject. (24_48)hrs to peak in blood serum level . So no. He would not have had a period where he had low test because he was consistently injecting testosterone regardless of the bro science ester transition. And it does not take 2_4 weeks to get going lo . 2_4 weeks to saturate the muscle and fill out with water hence seeing the scales move
    Sorry, i didnt mean there would be no trace of test in his blood, but surely he would feel a dip in strength and overall can effect his gains?

    And muscle saturation aside, if one injects test e or test cyp, why dont we feel it in terms of libido until 2-6 weeks? (User differentiation of course)
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 10-28-2015 at 08:22 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBall32 View Post
    At this point I think you just need a bit more time. You can start Caber at .25 twice a week, and that will probably help with your libido, but honestly give it more time and things should return to normal. As far as your LH and FSH, I will defer to others with more experience.
    Thanks Kball.
    I was thinking the same to take caber .25 twice a week. But at the moment I do no need to worry about my libido as i do not have a Gf or wife to worry about

  8. #8
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Jesus christ, so at the time of PCT this all happened? Hey man, its about how you overcome these difficulties that dictate how far youre going to get once things get better. Good luck!

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Seems a case of very bad luck, running another PCT wont harm, but i think you will recover in time, keep eating and keep training

    I know its easier said than done, but you have to cope with it

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Jesus christ, so at the time of PCT this all happened? Hey man, its about how you overcome these difficulties that dictate how far youre going to get once things get better. Good luck!
    Yeah talk about big time eff up. I have been there. Thanks buddy

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Seems a case of very bad luck, running another PCT wont harm, but i think you will recover in time, keep eating and keep training

    I know its easier said than done, but you have to cope with it
    Yeah i agree.
    Not sure if anything else would be helpful but I should not have added 19 nors in my cycle. Have never been a big fan of 19 nors as the effects stays in for a long time.

    Lets see if the bigshots have anything to suggest. Marcus would be able to suggest something.

    Its been a long time i had been here.
    Last edited by bladerunner9; 10-28-2015 at 04:56 PM.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Give your HPTA time to recover naturally. It can take a long time for some people. What's interesting to me, and should be a lesson to others here is your LH values on your BW 3 weeks post pct. It shows how hyper-stimulated they still were. Compare that to the latter BW where there's no extra stimulation. Thus the reason waiting is so valuable.

    I see no issue with your prolactin level unless you have prior BW to show a consistent lower value. That said, low dose caber will never hurt you. Keep some Cialis handy....
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Give your HPTA time to recover naturally. It can take a long time for some people. What's interesting to me, and should be a lesson to others here is your LH values on your BW 3 weeks post pct. It shows how hyper-stimulated they still were. Compare that to the latter BW where there's no extra stimulation. Thus the reason waiting is so valuable.

    I see no issue with your prolactin level unless you have prior BW to show a consistent lower value. That said, low dose caber will never hurt you. Keep some Cialis handy....
    Correct Kel, it is a waiting time game now. Will take few months I guess.

    I agree , I should have had BW before the cycle. But my sex drive was tremendous then lol. So i never thought of having BloodWork. But I should have had before i started the cycle.

    I was so anxious to get BW that i could not wait for 8 weeks and my doctor is a nice person, I got it done for free twice.

    It is a lesson like you said. I was totally wasted and had no energy when I got the first bw. So people should understand that waiting for atleast 8-10 weeks is a good time window.

    Thanks for your feedback Kel

  14. #14
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    So in the situation I am, if someone do a cycle of Test E and Oxymethlone are they going to stuff up their levels as I know few users who are doing it back to back with 4 months gap.

    I was talking to couple of users and they were like "we are not going to include 19 nors now and continue on Test E and Oxymethlone only for the next cycle as it will not effect the prolactin levels much"

    And I was asked rhem what about your FSH and LH ? Does not matter if you are using 19 nors or not.

    They were like ummm...that will be ok.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladerunner9 View Post
    LH and FSH will be 0 (zero) during cycle. Using deca or tren can make recovery harder.

    Not sure exactly what your doubt was.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    LH and FSH will be 0 (zero) during cycle. Using deca or tren can make recovery harder.

    Not sure exactly what your doubt was.
    That is what I was thinking as well that fsh and lh are lower than the baseline then why would you go for another cycle. But then again some users get to addicted to

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