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  1. #1
    MaxVCad is offline New Member
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    Tips For Smooth PCT? I'm Scared 8-/

    I'm 10.5 weeks through a 12-week cycle. 4 week Dbol kickstart and 500mg of Test-E per week. I've gained 43lbs of muscle during this time.

    I'm starting to look into PCTing. Already have my supplies, of course. I planned to do a 12 week cycle but haven't made any gains in about 3 weeks. Would it make PCT easier if I just stop my cycle now at 10.5 weeks than going to 12 as planned? I want to make PCT as easy as possible. Any other tips?

    PCT, starting 2 weeks after last pin:

    Nolva: 40/20/20/20

    Some tweaks to the above:

    - 100mg of Clomid for the first 3 days, then 75 for the rest of the week.
    - Cut doses in half for the last 3 days of PCT, potentially elongating at this taper dose for an additional few days.
    - I'm also going to use Recycle By Purus Labs starting about 1 or 2 weeks after my last pin, 4-6 caps per day.
    Last edited by MaxVCad; 10-30-2015 at 05:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why are you not using AI?

    Its really bad for your health to have high E2

  3. #3
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    If you feel like your gains have stopped then yes its fine to stop now and run a PCT , start it 2 weeks after your last injection

    I highly doubt you would have gained 43lbs of muscle, most of that will be water and fat. and even then its still a large amount, you sure its 43lbs?

    My usual gain is 20-25lbs, then a drop of 10-15 lbs after PCT

  4. #4
    MaxVCad is offline New Member
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    S.E. USA
    Oh yeah I forgot about my AI. I'm running .5mg Adex MWF

    I got a trainer at my gym to put me on one of those fancy muscle/bodyfat calculator machines and it said 43lbs of LBM has been gained. Even if that drops I'm happy haha.

    Does my PCT seem ok to you? You think I'll be ok? Haha. I've always been very stable as far as moods.

  5. #5
    SidVicious77 is offline Associate Member
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    Looks decent. I would personally run clomid at 100/75/50/50/50/25 and nolvadex 40/20/20/20 - yes a couple of extra weeks on clomid because that works better for me - but that's just me.

  6. #6
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Those fancy "muscle/bodyfat calculator machines" are so inaccurate- they dont measure water retention for example, you will see how much weight you have gained when you way yourself 6 weeks after pct, and it will be 15lbs if your lucky not 43lbs

    Make sure you eat well and train well through your PCT to minimise the loss

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