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Thread: Critique my 4th cycle TestP/EQ/NPP

  1. #1
    CrusherCurtis is offline New Member
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    Critique my 4th cycle TestP/EQ/NPP

    29 5'10 162 6/7% bf currently
    4th cycle, 1st 16 weeker

    test prop 1-16 600mg ew
    EQ 1-16 800mg ew (first time using eq, i think i have to stop way before test because of the half life?)
    Var 1 -4 100mg ed
    npp 5 -8 300mg ew
    Tbol 13 - 16 100mg ed

    'Ill be be on aromasin , Tudca and NAC, HCG 500 iu x2 ew from week 2, and Caber (while on npp)
    PCT will be Clomid 100mg/Nolva 40mg ed, for at least a month, but I'm considering 2 months (I get zero sides from either). My natural test was in 500's but the free test was 1.3% which I was told was low.

    The npp I'm only taking because I have some left over and I keep hearing that the eq takes forever to kick in. I could totally leave it out though. On my last cycle I used 300mg npp and 700 test p and all my research told me that at 300mg I would not have to worry about prolactin/progesterone, so I went without the caber and boy do I regret it. It looks like I need .5mg of caber ew or is that too much for 300 mg of NPP
    Last edited by CrusherCurtis; 12-13-2015 at 04:42 AM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Id drop the NPP, i dont see any point in running it for 3 weeks and like you say your just using what you have left, save it for a future cycle imo

    Do you have a pic? 6% bodyfat is really hard to get so well done if thats an accurate reading.

    5ft 10 - 160lbs at your 4th cycle is a low weight imo, do you eat enough?

    In terms of the test prop you will probably plateau at week 10, if it were me id run it at 500mg per week for 10 weeks then raise it to 800mg per week for the remaining 6 weeks and order to keep yielding gains
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-13-2015 at 02:16 AM.

  3. #3
    CrusherCurtis is offline New Member
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    It would actually be for 4 weeks and it does kick in fast, but i get what your saying.

  4. #4
    CrusherCurtis is offline New Member
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    Super hard gainer I eat 4500 cals a day of and will be lucky to reach 190 lbs
    I don't know my exact bf% just going off what friends say maybe 8%????
    Last edited by CrusherCurtis; 02-09-2016 at 11:37 AM.
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  5. #5
    CrusherCurtis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    In terms of the test prop you will probably plateau at week 10, if it were me id run it at 500mg per week for 10 weeks then raise it to 800mg per week for the remaining 6 weeks and order to keep yielding gains
    Love this idea, definitely doing it.

  6. #6
    CrusherCurtis is offline New Member
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    Second thought Should I maybe drop the tbol and run 500 npp from wks 1-8 alongside the test p and eq or is that too much gear, stick with the oral tbol in wks 13-16?
    Last edited by CrusherCurtis; 12-13-2015 at 04:42 AM.

  7. #7
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Test, NPP and EQ is fine for a 4th cycle imo, its a lot of prop for 16 weeks though can you handle all those injections? ED or EOD for that length of time is a lot of pinning, personaly i would have used Test E.

    8 or 10 weeks on NPP would be fine

    Id advise run var or tbol, not both, i know your proposal is to run them at seperate parts of the cycle and not alongside eachother but its still going to mean your livers not getting much break, 3 injectables and 2 orals over 16 weeks.

    Great pic, very cut indeed, well done, im guessing your looking to bulk from the cycle?
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-13-2015 at 06:20 AM.

  8. #8
    CrusherCurtis is offline New Member
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    Yup definitely bulking. I've never have cut on AAS (though I think I might love it), I don't have problem at all getting lean but even with AAS and 4500 cals daily, I never really get big.
    Yeah If I add the NPP I'll definitely, drop the TBOL. I've got enough VAR to begin and finish the cycle with it but I usually don't like ending a cycle with VAR, seems like the headaches are much worst.

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