Hello friends, I had UC which probably many of you know is Ulcerative Colitis. Anyways to shorten the story I took so many prescribed medications within 7 years of UC my colon was deceased, my doctor finally said get it all removed because colon cancer is right around the corner. Anyways guys after everything I went through, I now have j-pouch which was my only option. I don't know any bodybuilders with a j-pouch. Well after 3 years of harsh rehabilitation I started hitting the gym. My weight at that time was about 145. So for 5 years of consistent weight lifting I only gained about 25 lbs. That's crazy, after tons of research I did a 12 week cycle of test e. I had good gains and my main concern was my j-pouch and thankfully no issues. Since then my j-pouch has been fine when on any cycle. I apologize if I bored anyone with my long story. The question I have is that is there anyone else with a j-pouch that has been cycling long enough to recommend me something to help me gain some size? I do have enough tren e and test e to last me a few months but before I start anything I really need to no what kind of diet a person with a j-pouch has. The reason is because diarrhea is the main side effect of the pouch and knowledge would lead to less diarrhea and more gains. So please if anyone can give me any information about any benefit diet while on cycle...I would be so thankful and really appreciate you. Thank you again for reading my story....