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Thread: Taking Beta blocker for anxiety. Can cause weight gain?!?

  1. #1
    Cody95's Avatar
    Cody95 is offline Member
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    Taking Beta blocker for anxiety. Can cause weight gain?!?

    So i've had severe anxiety for the past 9 months due to a medicine i took for depression for 2 ****ing days. my Doc just put me on Propranalol 10mg x3 daily for my anxiety. It helps, but i am extremely concerned because it can and most likely will cause weight gain around the abdominal.. I've read people gaining 10+ within a month?!?!? I'm like freaking out because i just cut 40 pounds in 9 months, (Alot lost from anxiety) I was 210 and now i'm 170, lean, cut up and i don't want to ruin what i've worked hard for. I just started bulking again at 3,400 calories. My diet is very clean. I am also currently doing GHRP-2 100mcg x2 daily. Any advice to avoid fat gain while using this medication, should i do more cardio?

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    The average weight gain when on beta blockers is 5 pounds. You should be fine if you stick to your normal diet and exercise routine. If you're really worried about gaining weight then ask to be switched to carvedilol. Newer beta blockers don't cause weight gain.
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  3. #3
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    More important than weight gain would be the decrease in resting heart rate that Beta Blockers like Propranolol can cause. Check your resting heart rate, I'd bet it's in the upper 50s or low 60s. That's what it did to me. While it's good for certain heart issues, this can be an unwanted side effect for active people. Propranolol can also contribute to ED because of the decreased blood flow. If you can tolerate it, then fine. If not, talk to him about using another med...
    Cody95 likes this.

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