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  1. #1
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    Test Prop/Tren Ace Gyno?

    I'm three weeks into my current cycle.
    100mg Test Prop/75mg Tren Ace EOD

    I've never had Gyno before but started to experience
    puffy and sensitive nipples. I've got Nolva on hand as well as Adex and Letro. Would like to know the best way to knock it out. I've read I can run Nolva and I've read to never take Nolva while on Tren. This is my 5th cycle. First ever using Tren. To be honest I'm loving the results but not loving the sides. (Sweats and Gyno) I've thought about finishing off this bottle of Tren then coming off Tren and replacing with Anavar for remainder of 10 week Cycle. Tren may just not be for me.

    29 years old
    5'11 currently 202 Pounds and roughly 13% BF
    Training for 8 years.
    Previous cycles were Test, Test and Deca , Test and EQ, Test and Var. Proper PCT always ran. Never over 500mg of Test.

    Thanks in advance for the advice

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Welcome to the forum!

    Sensitive nipples aren't gyno. You don't have gyno until you can feel a lump. Do yourself a favor and get a sensitive e2 assay asap. Without that data you're only guessing.

    Nolva is fine to take while on tren . If you have your AI dosed properly then gyno shouldn't be an issue.

  3. #3
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    Got a question about that. That's one things I've always slacked on. I've never had blood work done. Where do you go to get it done and what exactly do you ask for?

    Should I take some Nolva to help with the sensitivity and puffyness or just leave it alone?

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    You can get BW prescribed through your doctor. If you're in the states then you can have it privately scheduled through sites like private MD labs or labs MD.

    Personally I'd hold off on taking nolva, and schedule BW for tomorrow. Then based on the results adjust AI and possibly take some nolva.

    What AI and how much are you taking?

  5. #5
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    Currently not running any AI as it was recommended to only have things on hand in case of issues due to the low dosages I'm taking. I've done research and have wanted to dry Tren for years and finally have.
    If you recommend anything I should be taking please fire away.

  6. #6
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    I am in the States. Live in Georgia actually

  7. #7
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Well there's your problem. An AI is absolutely necessary on every cycle unless you have BW to prove otherwise. Not all side effects from high e2 have physical symptoms. You can't feel a blood clot forming.

    You're taking a 19 nor and if you don't keep e2 in check with an AI then you risk elevated PRO along with e2.

    What AI do you have?

  8. #8
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    I've currently got some 1mg Arimidex on hand. Probably 30-40 tabs and can get more as needed.

  9. #9
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    I see several different types of blood tests. Which do I need

  10. #10
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    My apologies I also have 5000 IU of HCG on hand

  11. #11
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alock87 View Post
    I've currently got some 1mg Arimidex on hand. Probably 30-40 tabs and can get more as needed.
    Good, start taking .25mg EOD immediately, until you can get your blood test back and then can adjust if need be.

    Quote Originally Posted by alock87 View Post
    I see several different types of blood tests. Which do I need
    You need test total/free, estradiol (e2 sensitive), CBC, CMP at a minimum

    Quote Originally Posted by alock87 View Post
    My apologies I also have 5000 IU of HCG on hand
    I would suggest 500IU a week 250IU 2x a week spread out 3.5 days between.

  12. #12
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    If you order through private md labs then you need the estradiol sensitive assay plus whatever other tests you desire. Private md labs doesn't do mass spec testing. This is why the sensitive test is needed for true results. Otherwise a 19 nor will give false results and men normally test higher with a standard e2 assay.

    If you order through labs md then the hormone panel for females will give you accurate e2 results, blood counts and total test. This assay should cost you $72 total.

    Personally I would begin taking 0.25 mg/EOD of dex and schedule BW for tomorrow or the next day. You should get the results within 24 hours.

    You should begin taking hcg now at 250 IU twice a week until three days before PCT. This will make recovery easier.

    What do you have planned for PCT?

  13. #13
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    I had planned for Nolva and Clomid PCT 3 days after last Test injection.

    If I wanted to come off the Tren Ace now and replace with Var for the remainder of my cycle would you recommend anything different?

    I will start today with HCG and Adex

  14. #14
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    You wouldn't have to do anything different. Just continue taking dex and HcG . You should be aware that var powder is expensive so you usually get dbol or winny.

  15. #15
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Alock, are you taking tren to help you cut? I'm assuming so as you are talking about var

  16. #16
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    Not as much cut but add lean muscle. Cutting is all in the cardio and diet, I totally get all that. I know Tren isn't an actual fat burner as some may think.
    I have just always been curious about the gains from it and thought I knew enough to take it. But I may have been wrong.

    The Var I have I have ran before and do I fact believe it to be real. It's also very pricey.

  17. #17
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    But yes I am trying to burn fat and build. But I know Tren doesn't burn fat itself of that makes sense

  18. #18
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    OP, I'm running the exact same cycle as you, only at slightly higher doses. The night sweats suck, don't they lol?? I tried Tren once before and the sweats are much better with this go around. The only thing I did different this time is I pin everyday rather than EOD in an attempt to keep blood levels more stable and decrease sides. It seems to help a lot. I still wake up with some slight moisture, but not the crazy soaking sweats that I was drowning in my first go around. You may try that and see if it helps.

    As for your original question, the guys above all gave sound advice, so I won't reiterate what they already said.

  19. #19
    alock87 is offline New Member
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    the night sweats aren't too bad. I pin EOD at the exact same time. I'm sure my levels aren't as well sustained as yours but, I've felt pretty good. I will have a heavy night sweat one night then 3-4 nights of dry. It's nights that I'm rushed to bed or stessed that I dream weird shit and sweat badly.
    I just stay warm...I can tell when I get aggravated my BP gets up quick. Like this morning I was running late and couldn't find something...Started getting angry and by the time I found it and got in the car (maybe 10 minutes) I was sweating bad! My problem is I wasn't prepared for blood testing and all that yet. I know about compounds, AI ect but not as much on blood testing and all.
    I'm going to finish out this bottle, about another week and half then switch over to Var. I will prepare better for next Tren cycle for sure.

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