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  1. #1
    Ytraz is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015

    Diagnosed with condition mid-cycle, stopped. PCT or no?

    Hello, around 4.5 weeks into cycle i started having horrible gastro issues. incredible nausea and diarrhea(apologies...) Doctors took around a week to figure out enough lab tests that it wasn't some sort of infection. And a colonoscopy revealed i had pretty bad colitis. So around 5.5 weeks i stopped my 12 week test E 250mg 2x a week beginner cycle.

    Since then, ive been dealing with the colitis and just started on prednisone a few days ago. I'm about to hit 7.5 weeks, AKA 2 weeks after i stopped my cycle.

    Would you guys start on nolva / clomid? Even though its been around 14 days since my last pin my sex drive is really high (if i'm feeling alright... which is often enough to know that i still have a sex drive and good working junk.)

    Im conflicted because i'm not having any low T symptoms and i'm scared about drug interactions that i'm not really comfortable talking to my GI doc about (nolva and clomid would be a tough explanation to him while i'm already dealing with so much other litteral "shit" in my life)

    Thanks for the time everyone.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I would run a PCT after almost 6 weeks of steroid use .

    But cant say how it will effect your issue.

    Your sex drive will be good npw as you still have test im your body but when that clears it may not be so good

  3. #3
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    As said above you should do PCT.

    Prednisone has no effect on 2D6 so there should be no interactions.

    In my experience nolva/clomid give me diarrhea for the first week. So the first few days may be rough on your system.

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