I asked and searched about dht blockers, yet nobody knows if they'll prevent shedding while on cycle.

So I did a very small experiment on myself, am happy to say that-

You can probably expect significantly reduced shedding, even with AAS.

Now I didn't use AAS for this, I used creatine. Don't be an idiot about creatine, read my post with the NLM link regarding creatine and DHT. That said, onvioisly the only way to know is to use AAS. But the mechanisms are the same, and creatine was a safe way to test this while prepping for my next run.

So I took approximately 5g of dutasteride over 2 weeks (basically, that's a lot). Then ate well over 200g of creatine blends in the following 6 weeks.

Zero shedding. Both have long half lives, so consider that.

Meaning, dutasteride blocks creatine derived DHT in the scalp, anecdotally, and will likely block testosterone derived DHT as well.

Dutasteride doesn't do shit for actual DHT-based compounds, since it's already DHT.

So if you want to save hair and do AAS, avoid DHT based compounds and add dutasteride.