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Thread: Help please i am not a body builder

  1. #1
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Help please i am not a body builder

    Hi can anyone please advise me age 44 not body building proscribed testogel two years ago .My situation is I have been taking testogel for over two years and it was cheap at 30 per month but I now have to pay 90 per month which I cannot afford .Would it be a lot cheaper and possible for me to inject a small amount of test cyp? every couple of weeks ?
    test cost Cypionate 250mg/ml X 10mL $115 how much would I need? how long does it keep once opened?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    SuperNova93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    Hi can anyone please advise me age 44 not body building proscribed testogel two years ago .My situation is I have been taking testogel for over two years and it was cheap at 30 per month but I now have to pay 90 per month which I cannot afford .Would it be a lot cheaper and possible for me to inject a small amount of test cyp? every couple of weeks ?
    test cost Cypionate 250mg/ml X 10mL $115 how much would I need? how long does it keep once opened?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated
    I'm not a pro and if I'm wrong, I know there are good people on here who will correct me and give you the right info, however I believe for the purpose of TRT, people use anywhere from 150mg to 250mg per week? So a vial of cyp could last you 10 to 24 weeks.

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Testogel is mostly useless...

    150mg test cyp weekly would be way more efficient! Price wise and health wise.

  4. #4
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Blood tests would be the only way to monitor how much you really need for a trt dose. Ive lowered my trt dose down to 100mg a week

  5. #5
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Cheers I will go ahead and order I hope I get genuine gear ? .As suggested I will start on 100mg and get bloods done ? how many weeks after starting should I check bloods ?If I got crap gear would I know effects etc . I don't want to get tits if I stop testogel and get bunk gear .
    I m sorry about the crap questions but I have not got a clue. Thanks in advance

  6. #6
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    You should go see your doctor before you do anything

  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Please repost this in the appropriate part of the forum, the TRT forum. Guys will help you there.

  8. #8
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    Hi can anyone please advise me age 44 not body building proscribed testogel two years ago .My situation is I have been taking testogel for over two years and it was cheap at 30 per month but I now have to pay 90 per month which I cannot afford .Would it be a lot cheaper and possible for me to inject a small amount of test cyp? every couple of weeks ?
    test cost Cypionate 250mg/ml X 10mL $115 how much would I need? how long does it keep once opened?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated
    go back to your dr, and ask for test C.
    easy fix.

    why would you not ask your dr first instead of asking advice on using an UGL testosterone ?

  9. #9
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    When i lived in the UK this would have probably been ok but now live in Australia and the doctors will not prescribe anything like it I have already been to see 3 different doctors . I have been referred to a specialist but this will take 6 months and cost another $300 bucks I have not got .
    Its really not that easy in Aus this was my first option .

  10. #10
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    The problem you will face is if you find a good source and a reputable UGL, they could shut down at the drop of a hat or even rob you, what would you do then? Unless you bought a huge bulk order which has risks in its own, its quite a big gamble, but i fedl your annoyance if the doctors wong prescribe you anythinv

    Move back to the UK?

  11. #11
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Very good point I guess i'm a bit desperate I was going to stock pile a bit and gamble ? would be fantastic to move back to the UK .
    But damn the weather here is great

  12. #12
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    When i lived in the UK this would have probably been ok but now live in Australia and the doctors will not prescribe anything like it I have already been to see 3 different doctors . I have been referred to a specialist but this will take 6 months and cost another $300 bucks I have not got .
    Its really not that easy in Aus this was my first option .
    let me get this straight-- are you currently on trt gels?
    if yes- you must have a dr, if yes then why wont your current dr prescribe injections? have you sked him/her?

  13. #13
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Yes you are correct in Aus i cannot get an injection via the doc I have asked 3 you have to see an specialist endocrinologist and this costs even more than the gel ?

  14. #14
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Forgot to mention I was first prescribed trt in the UK so when I moved all they will prescribe is
    the gel because here you have to see a specialist but in the UK it was prescribed by a doctor .Even through I am on the gel my test is at the lower end of the scale but I am happy because my chap works properly ?

  15. #15
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    yes it is true, new laws took effect 1st april 2015 in Australia. Under the changes, GPs will have to consult with a specialist paediatric endocrinologist, urologist, endocrinologist or registered member of the Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine before they can prescribe testosterone for a patient.

    that is to get onto the PBS, you should find an anti aging dr that can still prescribe testosterone on a private script...private would be around $30 AUD for 1 month

    in order for your test to be covered by the PBS, you will have to get off testosterone and have blood tests showing testosterone under 6nmols.

    seems like you are paying $90 instead of $30 because you are on private, there is NO REASON why you cant get on pins as a private script. its upto the drs discretion keep looking for a new dr, private scripts for pins are cheap..
    Last edited by Simon1972; 02-18-2016 at 04:31 AM.

  16. #16
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Well it seems Im late to the party on this, but I'll chime in regardless.

    Simon has really covered off your answer here, and you'd do well to look into the clinics. I really would not switch to self dosing Cyp without regular blood work, as you'll have no idea of where your T levels are. I do agree the Gels are crap, I currently use them, and Im moving onto Nebido in the coming weeks. Fully supported by my Dr.

    I am surprised that in Aus they wouldnt continue a script if you emigrated from the UK, provided a few background tests to confirm its necessary. Im not familiar with their medical routines, but can you not request to be referred to an Endo? You've been through the game here in the UK, so you know the drill.

  17. #17
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    yes I have to pay a private unfortunately its not at the doctors discretion here they did try there best to get me the lower price . I only intended on taking the cyp until I can get the scrpt again for $30 which will take a few months I also have back problems and on the waiting list for a fusion the med for that already cost over $100 month I don't want to whinge I guess I am just seeing if its possible to cut corners for a few months .
    the ref range here is 8.3-30.2 mine while on the gel is 10.5 this is why I am also reluctant to use the gel every other day which could be another option ?

  18. #18
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    yes I have to pay a private unfortunately its not at the doctors discretion here they did try there best to get me the lower price . I only intended on taking the cyp until I can get the scrpt again for $30 which will take a few months I also have back problems and on the waiting list for a fusion the med for that already cost over $100 month I don't want to whinge I guess I am just seeing if its possible to cut corners for a few months .
    the ref range here is 8.3-30.2 mine while on the gel is 10.5 this is why I am also reluctant to use the gel every other day which could be another option ?
    The Gel has a very short half life, something like 8 hours. Which is why when used in the morning you feel low in the evening. Every other day use of the gel would render it useless.

  19. #19
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Hi Krugerr
    They did background checks and are continuing the script my problem is the price .In the UK I had depression excessive weight gain and no erection so the doctor done test and put me on the gel.
    I am on the list to see an endo I am only considering this to get me by for a while

  20. #20
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    Hi Krugerr

    I am on the list to see an endo I am only considering this to get me by for a while
    Right ok! Sorry if I missed that! I would suggest sticking with the gel for now,even if its alittle expensive. Switching to Cyp will throw your numbers out, and you'll have no way to know what your actual T levels are. Just keep pushing to get moved up the Endo list, and pray it comes quickly.

  21. #21
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    irrespective, tell your dr you can no longer afford the gels, and can they please put you onto the alternative of injections as they are cheaper for you.

    if you are on trt, you are on trt...make it about cost, the delivery method really doesnt matter to the dr if they know anything about trt.
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  22. #22
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Id rather use that gel 3 times a day

  23. #23
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    Hi Simon I will give you an example of what the doctor suggested when I told him I cannot afford the extra cost .He told me to stop taking the testogel I suggested sides he said what would happen? so I said maybe depression or male breasts he said ok I will put you on an antidepressant ? I said you cant he said why? well because I am already taking tramadom an opiate lyrica pain killer and endep pain killer sleeping tablet and I will get serotonin syndrome .so he suggested I stop the tramadol and he will give me vicodin and another antidepressant ?
    This is why I went to two other doctors ?

  24. #24
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Id rather use that gel 3 times a day
    Not if you'd used it Bro! Its sticky, and takes ages to dry. You have to stand around with your shirt off, not touching anyone for 30mins.

    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    Hi Simon I will give you an example of what the doctor suggested when I told him I cannot afford the extra cost .He told me to stop taking the testogel I suggested sides he said what would happen? so I said maybe depression or male breasts he said ok I will put you on an antidepressant ? I said you cant he said why? well because I am already taking tramadom an opiate lyrica pain killer and endep pain killer sleeping tablet and I will get serotonin syndrome .so he suggested I stop the tramadol and he will give me vicodin and another antidepressant ?
    This is why I went to two other doctors ?
    Sounds like your Dr is a knob. If he didnt know what would happen if you stopped the gel, you need to find another Dr. I have found it best though to go already armed with the answer. "This doesnt work, i want this instead" type of deal.

  25. #25
    BETTEROFF1 is offline New Member
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    reply to mr taxman No need to rub in .

    Anyway decision made I ordered test cyp to get me by for a while thanks to everyone who has commented .
    Last edited by BETTEROFF1; 02-18-2016 at 06:39 AM.

  26. #26
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Not if you'd used it Bro! Its sticky, and takes ages to dry. You have to stand around with your shirt off, not touching anyone for 30mins.

    Sounds like your Dr is a knob. If he didnt know what would happen if you stopped the gel, you need to find another Dr. I have found it best though to go already armed with the answer. "This doesnt work, i want this instead" type of deal.
    I never seem to have my shirt on much anyway

    The touching anyone else might become a bit of a problem, especialy if they are naked
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  27. #27
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    reply to mr taxman No need to rub in .

    Anyway decision made I ordered test cyp to get me by for a while thanks to everyone who has commented .
    Good luck man, you decided on a doseage?

  28. #28
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I never seem to have my shirt on much anyway

    The touching anyone else might become a bit of a problem, especialy if they are naked
    Ditto, at home im usually in boxers anyway. But Ive a 4 year old boy, and an 11week old girl. its fvcking hard to avoid them entirely for 30 mins in the morning!

    Plus, im such a sexy beast, the Mrs cant keep her hands off.
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  29. #29
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETTEROFF1 View Post
    Hi can anyone please advise me age 44 not body building proscribed testogel two years ago .My situation is I have been taking testogel for over two years and it was cheap at 30 per month but I now have to pay 90 per month which I cannot afford .Would it be a lot cheaper and possible for me to inject a small amount of test cyp? every couple of weeks ?
    test cost Cypionate 250mg/ml X 10mL $115 how much would I need? how long does it keep once opened?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated
    You could try 100mg per week. That typically puts most men in a good range and if your not a bodybuilder that should be more than plenty.
    100mg would be a 1/2cc. Depending the strength mg per ml,,,a 10ml vial could last you 20-25 weeks.
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  30. #30
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Try to see a endo who specialises in sports/athletes

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