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  1. #1
    burton72 is offline New Member
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    need advice on some of the gear im using in my cycle

    So im starting another cycle, i have some other gear as well but just wanted some advice.
    im 260
    20 years old
    the advice i want on my cycle is how often and how much i should use and when.
    i recieved 20 ml of deca
    25 ml of sus
    i am also using pregnyl 5000 IU with some other orals and of course i have my pct's
    also can i inject all of them in the same day or should i do monday deca, tues sus, and wens my HCG (pregnyl) or can i do them all monday and then from there follow procedure days.
    the needle of my choice is a 3cc 23 g 1.5" needle so advice would be great.

    also i recived them in satchets and about 5ml each, so would a 3cc needle be appropriate for transfer to a vial or should i go ahead and get some 5cc needles for that, thanks guys much appreciated

  2. #2
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Cycling at your young age can stop the hpta growth and other irreversible damage. You are naturally creating test and growing. Why would you want to cycle and possibly ruin that? You could end up taking trt the rest of your life.
    You did not give your bodyfat but taking AAS will raise your blood pressure and cholesteral. You should also educate yourself some more on ai, hcg , and pct.

  3. #3
    burton72 is offline New Member
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    i understand that, i understood that when i went to buy this stuff, i have a very strict and healthy diet, i was asking a question and wanted that specific answer, im really not trying to be rude but thet last time i checked my body fat was last summer and it was about 15 maybe 20 %, i mean im a pretty large guy with my weight and height and i want to take my weight lifting and size to the next level. just wanted some advice, i already have it theres no going back. i want to do this safely and correct- thanks guys.

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    If you want to do this safely and correctly then you should wait for about five years to cycle.

    First cycles should be test only.

    Using sus, deca and orals for your first cycle is total over kill.

    Please read the attached threads below.

    The young and Steroids

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  5. #5
    deathdog is offline New Member
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    i'm 21 just bought a 12week cycle and made a post like yours and got talked out of it by some old vets, i thought i was ready just like you, but i still have alot more reasrching to do before i start ****ing with my hormones at such a young age, don't stress if you don't want to start your cycle right now, vials stay good for 4 +years when stored out of the sun, just my two cents,


  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    OP can you post a pic so we can see what we are dealing with. If you are truly around 15% then you already have great size and might well be able to easily improve without AAS by tweaking diet and training.

  7. #7
    burton72 is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0399.JPG 
Views:	158 
Size:	362.2 KB 
ID:	162369Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0012.jpg 
Views:	134 
Size:	92.7 KB 
ID:	162370

  8. #8
    burton72 is offline New Member
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    these are two photos, sorry there the only reasonable pictures i had on my computer for you guys to judge hahahaha, but i talked to my doctor and orthopiedc before christmas and both believe that i am done growing height wise, tallest in my family i am 6,5 haha, but thata why i went out and bought, i even had some xrays done and im a very large guy, like i said i diet very well i eat all home cooked meals i make myself, and i know you guys are trying to guide me and i respect that, i understand that if i go throught with this i might have consequences when im older if not i will, and that it might make me not be able to have kids but i am willing to accept that but this is a choice i am making and just want some help here, and as said before it sounds like overkill but i do have proper pcts and i even have hcg and i diet very well, i respect everything you all say and take the advice, but this is something i want to do, i understand the consequences

  9. #9
    bsh's Avatar
    bsh is offline Associate Member
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    Ops! Double post....
    Last edited by bsh; 03-16-2016 at 10:38 PM.

  10. #10
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    its kind of hard to see your body type in those pics, fully clothed and one close selfie, kind of need to see the whole physique unclothed (please wear underwear)

  11. #11
    burton72 is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0449.JPG 
Views:	141 
Size:	1.42 MB 
ID:	162378 there you go, far right is me

  12. #12
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    You're definitely a big guy. You're closer to 20% than 15% bf though (probably even more). I'm going to have to suggest that you opt out of cycling for right now. Use the next few years to lean out and really develop a solid foundation. You already have the size. Imagine how far you'll go when you add AAS to the mix a few years from now on a big, solid, lean frame! Don't add it now. You don't want to be on TRT for life at the age of 20 if something goes wrong.

    Probably not the answer you were looking for, but figured I'd chime in once and give my 2 cents. Good luck!

  13. #13
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Drop the roids goddammit. Your already big and bad and you have the genes to really get big and bad. Study training and diett. Increase cardio and aim for 7 meals a day. Dont ruin your body and your genes with roids now. Grow 5 more years, if your not happy, then let us now, but i guess by then you know all the shit yourself:-)

  14. #14
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    id say your bodyfat was around 22%

    hit up the diet and nutrition section and ask for critique on your diet there.
    work on it and enjoy training with your new diet for a couple of years then consider AAS.

  15. #15
    bsh's Avatar
    bsh is offline Associate Member
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    Plz do ur self a favor and don't cycle, at least not now... X-rays tell u nothing as this is a completely different animal... Ur HTPA is STILL maturing up until mid 20's so plz do ur self a huge favor and don't short cut things and u will be a whole lot better in the end... Good advice given already but I get the impression u have ur mind made up and just looking for someone to validate u desires! No one on this board is going to condone cycling at 20... Plane and simple... GL

  16. #16
    DGenRit's Avatar
    DGenRit is offline Associate Member
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    Here is another thing nobody has mentioned. Your BF is too high to do a cycle now anyway. Cycling at high BF triggers more sides. Estrogen will be a real problem that would likely lead to gyno (bitch tits). I don't think that cute girl in the pic would like that very much - and neither will you.

    I know you don't want to hear it man - but don't do it. None of the gurus here have any incentive to steer you away from gear. They do it because they honestly do care about the people here and if they can help some avoid making mistakes, then that's a good thing. Bring your training up a notch and your diet too. I know you said your diet is good -- but it's clearly not. You can definitely improve it. The fact that you think it's good is clear evidence that you need more knowledge. Take a few years and gain that knowledge. You can be an absolute rockstar if you do this right. You have the genetics that everyone on here wants. dont f**k it up.

  17. #17
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by burton72
    these are two photos, sorry there the only reasonable pictures i had on my computer for you guys to judge hahahaha, but i talked to my doctor and orthopiedc before christmas and both believe that i am done growing height wise, tallest in my family i am 6,5 haha, but thata why i went out and bought, i even had some xrays done and im a very large guy, like i said i diet very well i eat all home cooked meals i make myself, and i know you guys are trying to guide me and i respect that, i understand that if i go throught with this i might have consequences when im older if not i will, and that it might make me not be able to have kids but i am willing to accept that but this is a choice i am making and just want some help here, and as said before it sounds like overkill but i do have proper pcts and i even have hcg and i diet very well, i respect everything you all say and take the advice, but this is something i want to do, i understand the consequences
    What the doctor was telling you was that you are not going to grow in height however internally you are still maturing especially your HPTA.

  18. #18
    Water Dawg is offline New Member
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    This is coming from an old dawg.......if you must, take the stuff with low dosages and for a short to moderate (time) cycle. Eat well and don't forget the cardio. But from one guy to the next I wouldn't risk taking all that gear at such a young age. I agree with one of these other posts about your natural testosterone and screwing yourself up. You don't want to be in spot where you have to use the stuff just to be normal.

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