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  1. #1
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    Lower Dose Test E Question

    I am 5 weeks in to my first cycle and have had results i am happy with. I went light at about 380 mgs per week and i honestly wish i wouldn't have at this point. The original plan was a 10 week cycle but i am considering elongating the cycle to 12 weeks. Thoughts on extending the cycle vs. taking a higher dose on the back end? I have read upping the dose on the back end is not recommended.

    Also, the PCT I planned on using was Nolva (liquid) at 40/40/20/20. I have done some searching and have not found many post with PCT dosage for a lower amount of Test E I am using but i would imagine it is close to the 40/40/20/20. Thoughts on this?

    I appreciate everyone's help and input.

  2. #2
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Just run a higher dose next time. No point in upping your dose now. As soon as your levels start going up you will be coming off anyways.

  3. #3
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    i agree with MP
    you could back load with Prop or an oral
    depending on your cycle experience? and if your ok with pinning EOD

    edit: sorry didnt realise its your first cycle, forget the oral, but you could smash the last 4 weeks with some propionate .

    or just finish your cycle as planned and go higher dose next time round

  4. #4
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    Thank you both... I think i agree with just finishing out this cycle and waiting until next time around.

    Any thoughts on the PCT or do i need to post in a different section?

  5. #5
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayredo
    Thank you both... I think i agree with just finishing out this cycle and waiting until next time around. Any thoughts on the PCT or do i need to post in a different section?
    I would add clomid to it also

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Ride this cycle out as originally planned.

    After beginning a cycle the only time plans should be changed is if you experience issues.

    You would benefit from adding clomid to your PCT.

    Austinite does a great job of explaining why to use both compounds in the attached thread below.

    Are you using an AI or HcG ?

    Testosterone Cypionate + HCG + Dbol?

  7. #7
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    That was a good article and i thought about using both. I read in a few post about Nolva only being ok.. I realize the irony in this because Austinite was giving the other guy a hard time for siting sources.

    There are tons of post about just using clomid or Nolva. One of them seemed like a solid source (couldnt find with my quick search right now) and then a lot of random people saying it too in post.

    There are also alot of post about using both.... availability played a factor in the Nolva only as well.

    I am not using an AI or HcG .

    I also have seenn post where people say to use armidex but then some that say only use it if you show signs of gyno. I have not shown very many side effects whatsoever except some slight nipple sensitivity but read that was normal.

  8. #8
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    also, i will keep my cycle the same as recommended. The original plan was 10 weeks but i am planning on doing 12 now. Any issues there?

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    no issues, some stop gaining around week 10, some stop gaining before the 10 weeks and some gain all the way to 12 weeks

    so just be prepared to plateau and your growth window closing, but no issues running it for 12

  10. #10
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayredo View Post
    That was a good article and i thought about using both. I read in a few post about Nolva only being ok.. I realize the irony in this because Austinite was giving the other guy a hard time for siting sources.

    There are tons of post about just using clomid or Nolva. One of them seemed like a solid source (couldnt find with my quick search right now) and then a lot of random people saying it too in post.

    There are also alot of post about using both.... availability played a factor in the Nolva only as well.

    I am not using an AI or HcG .

    I also have seenn post where people say to use armidex but then some that say only use it if you show signs of gyno. I have not shown very many side effects whatsoever except some slight nipple sensitivity but read that was normal.
    This cycle is a real mess.

    If you're taking exogenous test then you need to take an AI.

    There are far greater threats to your overall health from elevated e2 than just gyno. Way too many focus only on managing E2 to prevent gyno. Managing E2 is far more important to immune and cardiac health. Elevated estrogen carries a higher risk of blood clots, peripheral artery diseases, prostate enlargement and much more.

    Hcg should be used during your cycle to maintain leydig cell functionality.

    Stop at the 10 week mark, or do yourself a real favor and stop now before you hurt yourself.

  11. #11
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    I definitely read a few places about needing to take an AI. I also read a lot of testimonials from people saying dont need to take unless you see symptoms and they never use one and/or using made them feel like shit. Your post definitely put a lump in my throat though....

    This was a bit of a test run and that is why i did such a low dose. I feel great... No symptoms... My stomach was a bit bloated for a week or so but that is gone. Now that i know i like this... Next time around i will go all out with blood work etc... Pretty much following this post to the letter: it wouldnt let me post a URL... But it is austinites post on the main forum page about first time use.

    But i didn't this time.. so far so good. Nervous about the PCT phase but i will check back in and let you know how it went. Wish me luck and thank you all for your comments.

  12. #12
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayredo View Post
    I definitely read a few places about needing to take an AI. I also read a lot of testimonials from people saying dont need to take unless you see symptoms and they never use one and/or using made them feel like shit. Your post definitely put a lump in my throat though....

    This was a bit of a test run and that is why i did such a low dose. I feel great... No symptoms... My stomach was a bit bloated for a week or so but that is gone. Now that i know i like this... Next time around i will go all out with blood work etc... Pretty much following this post to the letter: it wouldnt let me post a URL... But it is austinites post on the main forum page about first time use.

    But i didn't this time.. so far so good. Nervous about the PCT phase but i will check back in and let you know how it went. Wish me luck and thank you all for your comments.
    You can't say with any confidence that your cycle is going well and you have no side effects if you have't had any blood work.

    It's more than a stretch to say you are following austinite's protocol. I doesn't seem like you followed through with anything in that thread.

    I feel like this is going nowhere. You're an adult and can make your own decisions.

    You should understand that it's very frustrating when someone asks for advise and then they ignore everything they were told.

  13. #13
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    I was saying i didn't follow those directions this time but would next time. Very sorry to frustrate you. I am not ignoring everything i was told though. All is being taken in to consideration and i realize i didn't do this 100% the correct way. I am seeking info on my current cycle, upcoming PCT and your opinion is appreciated.

    If we asked 100 members my exact situation i dont think everyone would tell me to abandon the cycle like you did and i have read different things in different places. Like i said, next time i will try exactly how the post is laid out and i probably should have this time as well.

  14. #14
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayredo View Post
    I was saying i didn't follow those directions this time but would next time. Very sorry to frustrate you. I am not ignoring everything i was told though. All is being taken in to consideration and i realize i didn't do this 100% the correct way. I am seeking info on my current cycle, upcoming PCT and your opinion is appreciated.

    If we asked 100 members my exact situation i dont think everyone would tell me to abandon the cycle like you did and i have read different things in different places. Like i said, next time i will try exactly how the post is laid out and i probably should have this time as well.
    I hope everything works out fine.

    Would be nice if you stay active on the forum and grow with everyone else.

  15. #15
    Jayredo is offline New Member
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    Thank you, i will stay active in the forum.

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