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  1. #1
    parkra is offline Associate Member
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    5 weeks post tren e, high prolactin

    Was doing tren e 300 a week and in the middle of cycle started developing gyno took a blood test and saw my prolactin was 3x max range so started prami and that helped. Iv stopped the tren e 5 weeks and and now am running my trt dose but I took another prolactin test since my libido feels weak and my prolactin was 13 from 6-15. In the past my prolactin is almost always around 6 or 7 normally so I'm wondering can my prolactin be causing libido issues?

  2. #2
    parkra is offline Associate Member
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    Have already been taking 500 mg b6 a day

  3. #3
    Strongblood's Avatar
    Strongblood is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by parkra
    Was doing tren e 300 a week and in the middle of cycle started developing gyno took a blood test and saw my prolactin was 3x max range so started prami and that helped. Iv stopped the tren e 5 weeks and and now am running my trt dose but I took another prolactin test since my libido feels weak and my prolactin was 13 from 6-15. In the past my prolactin is almost always around 6 or 7 normally so I'm wondering can my prolactin be causing libido issues?
    It's not uncommon to have some libido problems after a Tren cycle. High prolactin can definitely have a negative impact on libido also. But, yours is on the high side of normal, but still normal. I think you just need a bit more time bro.
    I don't know if you used an AI during your cycle but you should. Increased Prolactin is the result of high estrogen. Therefore, if you keep your estrogen in check you won't have prolactin issues. Hope this helps. Good luck!

  4. #4
    parkra is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    It's not uncommon to have some libido problems after a Tren cycle. High prolactin can definitely have a negative impact on libido also. But, yours is on the high side of normal, but still normal. I think you just need a bit more time bro.
    I don't know if you used an AI during your cycle but you should. Increased Prolactin is the result of high estrogen. Therefore, if you keep your estrogen in check you won't have prolactin issues. Hope this helps. Good luck!
    I was thinking maybe low dose prami (.125) for a week, do you think it will help?

  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    Check your E2 with it... Or what was it in correlation to your high PRL? Was your Estrogen high too?

    In most cases w/Tren you'll need a DA... At what point and dose depends on the individual

    Your in range - so just wait imho
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-28-2016 at 10:42 AM.

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    prolactin is the long-cycle feedback for high androgen levels regulated by the hypothalamus ( not the pituitary and estrogen aka short cycle feedback)... since tren is a potent androgen it can stimulate prolactin release, and since it takes a while for that to kick in, it also remains the same and takes a while to go back down. dopamine agonists ( caber, bromo) can help regulate this and help with some of the symptoms that you are having but the long term cure is basically time.

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