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Thread: Couple Q's

  1. #1
    cuban1983 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003

    Couple Q's

    1) I started my EQ, 400mgs a wk and test E 500 mgs a wk. Ive heard of the hunger pains, but the other day from school to work i felt this inexplicable pain in my stomach and my entire torso, it was horrible. is this the hunger pains? (i ate, it went away)

    2) I just got my liquidex and im very prone to gyno, how should i take it? I have nolvadex but rather save it.

    3) When should i start feeling the effects of the 2 if i started on last thursday?


  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Wow, youve only been on a wk and you already have the hunger pains???
    Take the ldex at .5mg ed if you are prone to gyno.
    Ill bet youll start feeling the effects of the drugs around wk 3 or 4.
    good luck bro

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    It takes 5-6 weeks for eq to kick in. Sounds likke you need to do some more reseach. How old are you?


  4. #4
    xtremesport14's Avatar
    xtremesport14 is offline Associate Member
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    Can't be said any better!

    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    Wow, youve only been on a wk and you already have the hunger pains???
    Take the ldex at .5mg ed if you are prone to gyno.
    Ill bet youll start feeling the effects of the drugs around wk 3 or 4.
    good luck bro

  5. #5
    cuban1983 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003
    Im 22 and have done plenty of research, about a years worth since my last primo-only cycle. This is the first cycle that i try to bulk off of, my other cycles were winstrol -only and primo-only cycles. I know it was odd to feel the hunger pains so soon BECAUSE ive researched so much, thats why i found it odd. I also learned through research that AS effects everyone different. Im already an eating machine and my normal breakfast doesnt seem to satisfy like it did as of a week and a half ago, hence the pain i felt. Im feeling bigger, and i know it is all in my head cause i weigh 245 6'2" 18%bf and it is unlikely that anything has kicked in yet. Thanks for the feedback.

    PS - Illl have before pictures posted shortly

    Thanks again.

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