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Thread: Rookie

  1. #1
    denbuck is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Barrie ontario


    I am looking at my first cycle and have read most of the stickies on this forum as well as other forums
    And consensus is test should be my first cycle
    The problem I have with test is the side effects which are the same with most compounds but the amount of possible work to deal with them is significantly larger with a higher probability ( mainly bitch tit ) "sorry for the terminology if it offends anyone I just don't remember the scientific name" along with the acne.
    I am also not looking to gain extrem mass either
    Therefore I am asking you guys for advice
    I was given this as a possible stack as well
    WIN &EQ
    50mg WIN
    300mg to 400mg EQ (per week)
    would this be a good beginner stack ?
    What would you do differently ?

  2. #2
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Every cycle you run should always be test based. If you cant handle the sides of test I can guarantee this game is not for you.
    The beginner cycle IMO should be test only and your AI and lets not forget the pct.
    Might not hurt to do a lot more research so you don't make the same mistakes that a lot of us have made.

  3. #3
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Quote Originally Posted by denbuck View Post
    I am looking at my first cycle and have read most of the stickies on this forum as well as other forums
    And consensus is test should be my first cycle
    The problem I have with test is the side effects which are the same with most compounds but the amount of possible work to deal with them is significantly larger with a higher probability ( mainly bitch tit ) "sorry for the terminology if it offends anyone I just don't remember the scientific name" along with the acne.
    I am also not looking to gain extrem mass either
    Therefore I am asking you guys for advice
    I was given this as a possible stack as well
    WIN &EQ
    50mg WIN
    300mg to 400mg EQ (per week)
    would this be a good beginner stack ?
    What would you do differently ?
    It's term is gynecomastia . No that's a shit stack. Bulk only, test only, 500 MG wk of test c or e with proper post cycle therapy . Not gonna be many sides for a guy your age and probably none if you do it right. If you don't need extreme mass you can probaby do it naturally easier.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Sometimes people will have a bad reaction ie ALLERGIC this is why you run one compound on your 1st cycle.But its good you did read some you just misunderstood wat you were reading.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Gyno can be controlled with an AI like adex. I would be more worried about acne. I had acne carpet front and back on my first cycle. Make sure you have something to take care of the acne.

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