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Thread: First cycle issues

  1. #1
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    First cycle issues

    So i started my first test/oxy cycle on monday and i´ve been having a lot of toubles.

    Injection sites extremely sore (i know its from the prop), having fevers on and off during the day, mild/heavy headaches and zero response from the testes...

    So far i have only started on the test since i got my wisdom tooth removed this week and am running antibiotics and didnt want to overwhelm de liver. Could these things im feeling be something bad or is my body still getting used to the new substance?

    I also live in a tropical country where it is very hot atm. So, are these symptons normal and how long will it last for?

    Currently ive pinned three times since monday: mond:100mg/wed:100mg/fri:100mg.
    When would it be wise to start the oxy? i´ll be taking the antibiotics till next friday most likely

    21 y.o
    6 years training experience

  2. #2
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    You mention nothing about HCG /AI/PCT, and your 21.

    First cycle why would you use prop?

    And what do you mean zero response from the testes, what are you expecting them to do besides shrivel up.

  3. #3
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    Why would i mention those things if what i want to know has nothing to do with them? I just want to know if the fevers and headaches will eventually go away.. as for the prop, because of the fast acting. HCG will be brought in with the PCT
    Last edited by ekim123; 10-22-2016 at 04:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekim123 View Post
    Why would i mention those things if what i want to know has nothing to do with them? I just want to know if the fevers and headaches will eventually go away.. as for the prop, because of the fast acting. HCG will be brought in with the PCT
    Im,no expert, but you backwards with planning cycle.

    Tell me, what are you plans for this cycle?
    Length of time, AI usage, pct protocol.

    I can tell you this, hcg is not a good compound during pct at all, some use it off period while test clears in the weeks before pct, but with prop. You don't have but a week to start pct after last pin.

    Her keeps nuts full and active while on,
    Its suppressive , so not good for pct.

  5. #5
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    Im,no expert, but you backwards with planning cycle.

    Tell me, what are you plans for this cycle?
    Length of time, AI usage, pct protocol.

    I can tell you this, hcg is not a good compound during pct at all, some use it off period while test clears in the weeks before pct, but with prop. You don't have but a week to start pct after last pin.

    Her keeps nuts full and active while on,
    Its suppressive , so not good for pct.
    Fevers hot feelings, sounds as if you've got an infection brewing,

    What's your injection practices? New needle every shot, with a separate to draw?

    Cleaning area thoroughly with alcohol?

    Details brother, details

  6. #6
    RumHam is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekim123 View Post
    Why would i mention those things if what i want to know has nothing to do with them? I just want to know if the fevers and headaches will eventually go away.. as for the prop, because of the fast acting. HCG will be brought in with the PCT
    Do NOT take HCG with's pointless. I would have started it during week 1 up until PCT or 4 weeks prior to PCT but definitely not during PCT.

  7. #7
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    Yes, everything perfect, new needles everytime, cleaning area, hot bath right after with massage. My last shot yesterday is A LOT less sore than the first ones

  8. #8
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Your body is probably recognising a foreign substance, or too much of it and its natural reaction is to fight it, thats why your likely feeling un well, we often hear the phrase "test flu" thats what its likely to be.

    The pain after the injection is likely PIP rather than infection, post injection pain is very common with Test Prop

  9. #9
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Is the test or the Oxys? Who knows because you have png run test only to know what side effects that would have caused you.

    Lots of risks at cycling at your age and if you are saving your Hcg for PCT then your cycle needs work.

    Post up younfullmlrotocol including compounds, lengths and dosages. And drop your oral straight away.
    songdog likes this.

  10. #10
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    right, would it be late to start administrating it now in 2 week so on?

  11. #11
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    10 weeks 400mg prop/w and 40mg oxy 8wks

  12. #12
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekim123 View Post
    10 weeks 400mg prop/w and 40mg oxy 8wks
    No ai?

    No Hcg on cycle?

    No PCT plan?

  13. #13
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    I have AI´s on hand, but havent felt anything yet so didnt think i would need em yet. PCT plan is gonna be serms 3 days after last shot. Could i start hcg now on the second week?

  14. #14
    lVletalhead is offline New Member
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    Hi guys I apologize if I am not doing this correctly but am looking for a bit of advice and I am not able to start my own thread...not sure why maybe because I'm still a new member. I don't have a lot of info my doctor isn't great but I found out my test level was at 6 and when I looked up all the symptoms of low T that's me in a nutshell. Doc kept pushing anti depressants and ssri meds on me which made me worse. Long story short I put on a lot of weight and had 0 energy and sex drive. Almost 2 months ago a friend told me to try test shots and I have been taking 1cc of 250ml sustanon once a week and have been feeling great. Sex drive is back I'm putting muscle on and loosing weight and have energy. I realize I need to come off of it but don't want to for a while longer as I am 33 years old 6'3 and was 315 pounds now down to 275 and dropping. My diet is good but currently I am not taking any AI'S just the test and am thinking about adding some winstrol as per my friends suggestion. I am looking for advice on how to keep this up for a couple months before coming off everything so I can find a better doc and get on trt. Right now though this is the best I've felt in years and I'm more worried about my weight and the problems that arise from that. Plus my wife is happy to have a sex life again. I know from recent BW that my thyroid is functioning fine and the doc thinks it's most likely hypogonadism. Any advice or input to help me keep safe and loose some weight before I come off it and go back to low levels and no energy would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  15. #15
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekim123 View Post
    I have AI´s on hand, but havent felt anything yet so didnt think i would need em yet. PCT plan is gonna be serms 3 days after last shot. Could i start hcg now on the second week?
    Start your ai now.

    Start your Hcg now.

    Drop your oral now.

    What SERMs? How much and for how long?

  16. #16
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekim123 View Post
    Why would i mention those things if what i want to know has nothing to do with them? I just want to know if the fevers and headaches will eventually go away.. as for the prop, because of the fast acting. HCG will be brought in with the PCT
    Because most of the time when people ask questions like this they clearly have not done their research so there are usually more problems or other items causing problems they don't understand.

    High estrogen does nasty things to your body that you can't "feel" - do you have an interest in increasing your chances of prostate cancer, how about other prostate issues or blood pressure issues? If you answered yes then just hold onto your AI until you feel you need it.

    There is a time and place for prop, a beginner using it "because it's fast acting" is another red flag. Your putting yourself through some headache for no good reason.

    HCG is supressive and has benefits besides just keeping the boys full, you should be on it as soon as you start your cycle.

  17. #17
    songdog's Avatar
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    While you are at it read the young and steroids sticky along with the other stickys we have.There is nothing worse than putting something into your body that you know nothing about other than being TOO YOUNG! beacuse the risks are much worse.And you may not feel them until like 10yrs down the road.And for wat? A lil muscle that you lost anyway! You would be better off to stop right now.But thats up to you.

  18. #18
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    While you are at it read the young and steroids sticky along with the other stickys we have.There is nothing worse than putting something into your body that you know nothing about other than being TOO YOUNG! beacuse the risks are much worse.And you may not feel them until like 10yrs down the road.And for wat? A lil muscle that you lost anyway! You would be better off to stop right now.But thats up to you.
    + 1 to this

    I'm 32 and I feel the sides at times are not worth it

    Think about it, in 3 months, your going to be taking cancer drugs just to TRY to go back to a normal man, its never 100% for sure either

    All the tops dogs, arnold, ken weller, most guys in the movie pumping iron, have had this chest cracked open with valve replacements, and multiple bypasses.

    Kimbo slice died just thus summer from "heart failure"

    Was it juice that did it? No, steroids did not kill him, he didn't do a shot and drop.

    But he was in the middle of can aggressive deca -DURABOLIN cycle.

    Did they play a major role, id have to say so if i was a betting man

  19. #19
    ekim123 is offline New Member
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    check my new post please

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